Monday 17 August 2015

11 Unusual Ways To Re-Use Banana Peels

It is estimated that approx 3.2 billion pound of banana eat by americans every year, thats 300 banana every second, 12% of banana weight is the peel. Banana grow within 30 degree of equator mostly.
Banana peels contain potassium, antioxidant lutein, and lot off other powerful enzymes and nutrients which give your skin some youthful beauty glow, banish warts, and relief from bug bites. And keep moist your meat before you eat them.
11 Unusual way to use banana peel at home
Feed indoor plants
Soak banana peel in a water jar and combined this resulting peel mixture with five parts of regular water in water can to fertilize indoor plants.
Eating peel
It is source of nutrients, fiber and antioxidant, get it by boiling the peel for 10 minutes and blend it with other fruits for better taste.
Aphid control
Banana peel best for aphid control, cut up small pieces of banana peel and bury them around affected plants and you will notice aphid disapear with 1-2 days.
Purifying water
Many studies shown banana peels absorb toxins from contaminated waters such as river, especially those with heavy metals.
Itch Soother
Banana peels can help relieve bug bites and poison ivy. Leave a banana peel on the bite for several minutes. You can also use it in cases of minor scrapes or for poison ivy or poison.
Dry Skin Cure
If you have dry skin, try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your affected areas twice a day and you’ll see the dry scaly skin become soft.
Whiten teeth
Banana peels is full of potassium which help whiten your teeth. Take banana that looks ripe, because the potassium levels are optimal. Peel it from the bottom end upward, then rub the inside of the peel against your teeth until they’re completely coated in banana paste. Keep it for 2 minutes, and leave the paste for around 10 minutes. Then, brush your teeth with toothpaste to remove peel paste.
Polish shoes
Banana peel is amazing alternative to shoe polish. Simply rub your shoe with the inside of the peel. Then buff the shoes with a soft cloth. As it has potassium, which is also in shoe polish. Banana oil soak leather which keep your shoes last longer.
Remove warts
Place the banana peel over the wart tightly and secure it with something,Put the inside against your skin, and secure it using medical tape. Leave it overnight, and remove the peel in the morning. changing it frequently over a few days’ time. About 7 day time, the wart will fall off!
Polish silver
A banana peel can help to reclaim the shine on mildly tarnished silver. All you need to do is blend a few banana peels with some water. Rub the polish onto the silverware, then wash it off and dry it with a clean cloth.
Help acne
Rub inside of a banana peel on your face for 10 to help treat acne. Do not wash it off, sleep with it over night as it is. In the morning, rinse it off.
By Pulford
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