Thursday 9 June 2016

6 Obvious Signs Of Gluten Intolerance That Everyone Ignores

People who are extremely sensitive to the protein known as gluten that is found in rye, barley, and wheat, causes them to react after ingesting the protein.
The symptoms that follow this intolerance can result in depression, fatigue, joint pain, gastrointestinal issues, and more. Here are six of the symptoms that could indicate that you definitely have an intolerance to gluten.

1. Constant Headaches Or Migraines

If you experience headaches to extreme migraines that leave you completely debilitated, then you may have an intolerance to gluten. Interestingly enough, migraines are very common in people who suffer from gluten-intolerance. These certain headaches are pretty severe and should be given the chance to recover from if you ever experience them.

2. Mouth Problems

People who have an intolerance to gluten may also suffer from "aphthous stomatitis", which is a condition that is constantly experiencing mouth ulcers as well as canker sores. Additionally, due to malabsorption, people who are intolerant to gluten have a much harder time keeping their teeth healthy since they have very low levels of calcium as it is.

3. Sudden Weight Gain

One of the symptoms that has left a majority of the gluten-intolerant community baffled is the unexplainable sudden weight gain they experience. Normally, weight gain in people who are gluten-intolerant could be a result from two certain things. One, they have systemic inflammation, which was triggered by gluten. Two, malabsorption and gut permeability which are two side-effects of being gluten-intolerant.
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4.Unstable Immune Functionality

When one of your IgA antibodies is sensitive or intolerant to gluten, the counteracting effect on your immune system is essentially what causes your immune functionality to become unstable or abnormal. These antibodies are your body's main defense against the flu, colds, and various other illnesses.

5. Experiencing Brain Fog

People who are gluten-intolerant have very interesting cases of experiencing brain fog, a subtle symptom. A variety of things can trigger this reaction, however, the scientific belief of this symptom is that the abnormal activity to gluten in your IgG is the reason for any diminished cognitive functionality.
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6. Constant Fatigue/Exhaustion

Experiencing constant fatigue and or exhaustion could be in relation to the side-effects of brain fog. However, most research believes this is because people who are intolerant to gluten have very little energy levels on reserve for their body's to begin with.

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