Wednesday 30 March 2016

5 Easy Ways To Clear Your Home Of Negative Energy Now

5 Easy Ways To Clear Your Home Of Negative Energy Now Hero Image
To help you salute spring's arrival, we’ve put together a new wellness series on how to start the season off right. In this piece, feng shui master Dana Claudat gives you a primer on how to clear your home of all winter's negative energy. And if you’re interested in really springing forward into good health, check out her full course, Your Guide To DIY Feng Shui: Change Your Space To Change Your Life.
A negative space mirrors a negative life.
The total disorganization that erupts when you’re going through a chaotic time at work is common. The unfinished projects that pile up when you're in a toxic friendship or relationship…also common. Once your life gets overwhelmed by negativity, it will always show up in your home in some way.
Clearing this negativity from your space is the first step towards living a more positive life. Here's how to do it:

1. Surrender

Decide to stop forcing things to look or feel a certain way based on other people's standards. Basically, un-decorate your space of everything that doesn't feel true to you—from the centerpieces from your family that you loathe but feel obliged to keep on the table to your friend's artwork that you don’t want on the walls but feel pressured to hang. Let go anything around you that feels like an obligation rather than a joy.

2. Clap in corners

The quickest way to get the stagnant energy out of your space is to clap in the corners of each room, or anywhere the energy feels really depressed. If you’ve got rooms you avoid or places that make you tired, clap in those rooms until you feel a shift. The sound waves—along with your positive intentions—are meant to shake up everything that’s stuck. 

3. If it’s broken, fix it.

Everything from a dented car to an unhinged window to a blender that doesn’t work needs to be fixed. It’s all a reflection of your life's condition. Though a home will never be perfect, doing the best you can with what you have will always result in positive energy. If you can’t afford to fix things immediately, make a plan to get them fixed eventually, and keep them in the best possible condition until then.

4. Supercharge your kitchen.

Dr. Terry Wahls gave a talk about her life-healing diet at mindbodygreen's 2014 Revitalize event, and she emphasized the fact that once she started flooding her body with superfoods and nutrients, it “crowded out” all the bad stuff like inflammation and toxins. Flooding a kitchen with plant-based foods and pure pantry ingredients is a great way to crowd out lingering negativity.
Load up your freezer with frozen organic berries, your fridge with fresh vegetables, and your pantry with unprocessed snacks. Rather than focusing on what you “shouldn’t have”, focus instead on gorgeous, vibrant foods that feed you energy and fill you up with so much goodness that you don’t have much room left for anything else.

5. Add love.

Love is thought to be a universal healing agent, and I believe it. Most of my clients place love at the top of their wish lists.
If you want to truly keep the negativity out of your home, make space to do more of the activities you love. Whether it’s a knitting corner, a chef's kitchen, or a getaway to write or make music, set aside a space that you love to use every single day.
Days full of happiness and radiant thoughts are worth the effort it takes to scrub, repair, polish and clear your space of everything that’s overstayed its welcome. When you start removing everything from your home—and your life—that’s not in line with your intentions, the awesome things like love, peace, fun, prosperity, health and connection have space to flourish.
Dana Claudat

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