Tuesday 12 April 2016

A 7-Day Mind, Body & Spirit Reset Plan For Your Best Spring Ever

A 7-Day Mind, Body & Spirit Reset Plan For Your Best Spring Ever Hero Image
I imagine you don’t have a lot of spare time—passions, pursuits, and obligations take up a lot of energy. Excelling at work, staying in touch with extended family, keeping your romantic partnership functioning optimally—these are the things that make our lives worth living, and they keep us really, really busy.
Busyness can be beautiful if it’s ambitious, intentional, and purposeful. But even when we’re “beautifully busy,” we can get caught up and lose our focus, eventually letting slip the practices that keep our minds, bodies, and spirits sharp.
Maybe your three-times-weekly gym habit becomes a once-a-week slog.
Maybe you realize that you and your partner haven't had a conversation about anything other than strategic coordination of schedules and allocation of tasks in weeks.
Maybe you're only just starting to realize you haven't been connecting with yourself—making sure your ambition is still intentional and purposeful—checking in with the path you've chosen to make sure you're still headed in that direction (or if you even want to be).
On the bright side (pun intended), seasonality is on your side. The change of seasons offers an opportunity to pause, reflect, and take stock of our (internal and external) spaces.
Spring, the wake-up call after winter hibernation, is uniquely and perfectly timed to facilitate a mind, body, and spirit tune-up.
Here's a one-week prescription for refreshing and renewing yourself and your routine with these mind-, body-, and spirit-centering practices.


Mind: Write It Out

Illustration Credit: Chloé Bulpin

Set a timer for 10 minutes, grab a blank sheet of paper, and write down the tasks you have ahead, the conversations you need to have, the things you’re worried about, the things you’re scared of, the things you’re grateful for. Whatever has been spinning around in your head, write it down, and get it out of there.
The longer you spend ruminating on something, the more likely it is to turn to worry and then to stress. But once you write it down, you can make a plan of action (e.g., “I’ll take care of this on Thursday” or “I’ll revisit this in August”) and clear space in your brain for something new!


Body: Take a Walk

Illustration Credit: Chloé Bulpin

It might be a walk around the block or even just a walk around the conference room. If you have more daytime flexibility than that, perhaps you might go for a hike with a friend or run around the park with your dog.
Whatever you do, reintroduce (or reinforce!) movement in your daily routine. Your body (and your brain) will thank you.
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Spirit: Donate Your Time

Illustration Credit: Chloé Bulpin

Spend some time doing something for somebody else today—no questions asked and no favors required in return.
It’s wonderful to donate money to charity or to a friend in need, but investing your time, energy, and attention can often be more effective, both for you and for the person you’re serving.
Uplift your spirit by setting aside time to make that investment for someone else!


Mind: Meditate

Illustration Credit: Chloé Bulpin

If you haven’t done so already, kick-start your meditation practice. Start with just five minutes if it’s new to you, and work your way up.
The best part? You can do this one anywhere—on the train, at your desk, or even lying in bed before your feet hit the floor. Just close your eyes and breathe, letting your thoughts flow by like clouds.
The longer you spend in meditation, the less quickly the thoughts will come and the more likely you’ll be able to reach pure bliss! And isn’t that what we’re all after anyway?
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Body: Take a Nap

Illustration Credit: Chloé Bulpin

There’s no question that our busy lifestyles often result in sleep deprivation. Today, take a short, 20-minute nap sometime during the day.
Whether at home, in your cubicle, or in the comfort of your car, find a private, safe space to close your eyes and recharge.
(Or, better yet, skip the cocktails tonight, and just go to bed early!)


Spirit: Create a Ritual

Illustration Credit: Chloé Bulpin

Looking for a way to reconnect with yourself—or your spirituality?
Create an ongoing ritual that’s unique to you. Some people pray; some light candles; others build altars, and still others pull cards. But a ritual can be something as simple and accessible as cleaning the house or sitting down with a good book.
There are myriad ways to connect with God, with the Universe, with your guides, with yourself—find the way that works best for you, and turn that into a fun and loving ritual.
Come back to that ritual whenever you need to reconnect.


Mind, Body, and Spirit: Take a break!

Illustration Credit: Chloé Bulpin

Today, do whatever feels best for you: rest, recharge, reconnect with friends or yourself. You deserve it.
Try these tips on for a week, and maybe you'll want to turn them into a more consistent practice. You'll feel more relaxed and connected and totally ready to show up for the fullness of life after a week of “spring cleaning."

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