Monday 18 April 2016

The Positive Effects of Mercury Retrograde April 2016

positive mercury retrograde
Mercury retrograde has such a negative reputation, but truly is just a normal pattern and cycle of life.
In fact, Mercury retrograde is very necessary for helping us to raise our consciousness and has a specific purpose that many people don’t understand.
This upcoming Mercury retrograde on April 28, 2016 is more significant than most as it is going to give us a total of 5 planets in retrograde.
This is very rare and is going to amplify the effects of Mercury Retrograde. Not just the negative effects but also the positive effects of Mercury Retrograde as well.
When you learn how to use the energy of Mercury Retrograde, you can have it work in your favor, rather than against you.
The first step is to understand the role of Mercury.
Mercury is the planet of communication, he rules over how we express ourselves, how we think and how we communicate our ideas and feelings to the outside world.
When Mercury goes retrograde, he helps us to shift our focus away from expressing outwards and into expressing inwards.
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Mercury retrograde gives us an opportunity to go within and to work out how we really feel and how we want to express our ideas and thoughts with the world.
Think of it this way, when Mercury is direct he is helping us to speak our truth and communicate to the world. When Mercury goes retrograde however, he gives us the opportunity to assess our truth and how we have been communicating it to the world.
This dual process has to exist in order for us to really consciously understand who we are and how we choose to communicate this.
When Mercury goes retrograde, he gives us time to work out those deeper, darker parts of our psyche in order to help us tune into our soul truth.
Mercury retrograde is a powerful time to get real with yourself and to unearth all of those emotions, thoughts and feelings that have been buried inside for so long. 
The beauty about Mercury retrograde too, is that in order to heal and transgress he doesn’t require us to shout our truth from the highest roof. Instead, he gives us the gift of holding our truth close to our heart, and knowing that our truth is all that matters.
Mercury goes retrograde 4 times a year, but in 2016 he is going retrograde 5 times. This is also rare and means that the Universe must really be requiring us now to get in touch with our truth and how we really feel.
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When we know our truth, we know who we are. When we know who we are, we are able to stand up and express this to the world and that is how we merge with our highest path.
Mercury retrograde does come with a few annoyances, that is true, but underneath it all it is such a powerful time of regeneration and healing.
In order to work with Mercury Retrograde it is important not to make any new decisions, that are binding or require a contract. The reason for this is because we are in an “assessing truth” phase, and what may be your truth during a Mercury Retrograde, may no longer be your truth after Mercury has worked its magic on you.
Mercury Retrograde however, is a really good time to revisit the past and to assess whether your way of communicating with the world has benefited you or needs to be changed.
In April, Mercury retrograde will occur in the sign of Taurus. We are all going to feel this in different ways, but overall this energy will be helping us to work on how we communicate in our relationships, particularly our friendships.
Learning how to work with others,  being able to communicate truthfully with others and connect with people that we value and trust, are all going to be themes during this Mercury retrograde.
Overall, April Mercury retrograde is very gentle and mild, however with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto also retrograde, we may be dealing with a bit of a mixed bag of energies.
The best advice I can offer anyone for Mercury Retrograde is to take things slow, to keep things simple and to get in touch with that inner voice.
Mercury moves out of retrograde on the 22nd May 2016 and won’t retrograde again until August 2016.
by Tanaaz

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