Tuesday 13 September 2016

There Is An Energy Shift In Progress! Jupiter Has Entered Into Libra For The First Time In Over 12 Years

That's right, as of September 9th, Jupiter has begun to set itself inside of the constellation known as Libra.
We are expecting this astronomical phenomena to be one of the biggest changes. Since Jupiter is essentially the largest planet out of all the others, it is said that with Jupiter's alignment within Libra is expected to unleash a great expansion, good fortune, and abundance.
However, there is a lot you must do in order to prepare for this major shift in our everyday lives.
It is important that you are able to master the art of self-love. If you decide to go into this major shift without balancing yourself first, then you should expect dire consequences with decisions, based on closed mindedness and any other negative thoughts that you could potentially have.
You must be able to find the key to your happiness, whatever it looks like in that moment in time, and go for it. In order for us to be able to witness all of the amazing potential of this major shift we are going to have to realize just how much we matter, not only to others, but to ourselves.
Of course, there is always going to be room for improvements on ourselves. We are all only human and we do our very best at making ends meet every single day.
We must be able to take things slow, to figure out where we want to see the most improvement, and let ourselves grow over time to achieve the things we want to see, as a part of this major change.
It's been 12 years since Jupiter was aligned inside of Libra. Think back 12 years ago, the last time we were dealing with this major shift. What did you look like then? How did you improve yourself? Are you a lot happier compared to the last time this happened?
Some of you may even think that it's a bit selfish to focus only on yourself during this period of time. But realize, the more you are able to focus on the things you want to see change in, the more it will effect your relationship with everything else in the world.
When you are able to say that you are truly happy, and that you wish to help others achieve this same kind of happiness, that's when you've figured out what you need in order to feel balanced within yourself.
Not everyone is capable of self-love; this is something that we must keep in mind.
If you think that certain friends of yours are still having trouble figuring out what happiness really means to them, you can tell them that they must dig deep inside in order to see what that is.
No one else is going to make their happiness for them, they must take the first step in truly getting to know themselves, seeing what makes them smile, and what it's going to take for them to accomplish having that happiness in their life.
Of course, you and many others will be there to help them whenever they need it, but this is a journey that most of us have to figure out alone.
Keep all the negative thoughts away, balance yourself, and keep fighting for your happiness as this major shift takes place.

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