Friday, 28 November 2014

How to use Ho'oponopono to get rid of emotional baggage

A psychologist assigned to a Hawaiian ward for the criminally insane is credited to improving most of the prisoners' conditions and the general atmosphere of the ward in four years. His name is Dr. Ihaleakala S. Hew Len, hereafter referred to as Dr. Hew Len.

He used a technique called Ho'oponopono taught to him by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. Morrnah was a Kahuna La'au Lapa'au, a healing priest, and the techniques she taught had originally been use to resolve family issues. What's truly amazing is Dr. Hew Len never personally counseled the prisoners or staff!

Dr. Hew Len and success motivator Dr. Joe Vitale have put Ho'oponopono into greater public awareness in the book Zero Limits, written by Dr. Joe after attending Dr. Hew Len's workshop. Dr. Joe is not your average life coach or success guru.

Ho'oponopono highlights

The first thing Dr. Hew Len advises is to determine who you are, not as a character, persona, or ego, but to attempt contact with your spiritual or higher Self. This helps remove mind clutter from this practice.

The practice itself demands acceptance of full responsibility, not only for your feelings and emotions, but of others' actions and words. That's not so easy for most of us. Dr. Hew Len looked over prisoners' files in that ward, and would utter to the universe or infinity or God (whatever term suits you) "I'm sorry" and "I love you" quietly and sincerely.

This is especially useful to avoid having one's own internal or external reactions be negative towards another person or persons actions or words. Having negative feelings or proving one is right and the other is wrong or others are evil, holds that specific person or group in place.

Dr. Hew Len explains that we have subconscious memories or recordings that we react to by not accepting 100% responsibility for how we feel from outer circumstances. We all share these subconscious memories. But by uttering those phrases of apology and love we release them from an incident of turmoil or upset.

Dr. Hew Len used those phrases with an occasional "please forgive me" and "thank you" without judging them or himself as he read those prisoners' files. Thus he was appealing to the higher consciousness or the Self that's within all of us. That's why he says he didn't heal anyone.

This was a vast departure from his experience of teaching and special education for handicapped children. He now was not the doer, but the precipitator. Higher knowledge teaches that all our experience is within, and we are all connected. The ultimate reality is our problems are not all out there, they are within.

Deep stuff indeed, and not easily covered all at once. But after dismissing Ho'oponopono at first, Dr. Joe Vitale claims uttering the prescribed phrases calmly without anger, angst or regret worked for him immediately (

Ho'oponopono is based on the ancient Hawaiian spiritual teachings of Huna. Huna is similar to many different ancient and aboriginal cultures that recognize different divine aspects of life represented by different entities or gods.

Despite western dogma prejudices, they all accept one divine creator or God (male aspect) with a goddess (female aspect) that permeates life with the creator's energy. The other gods represent specific areas of life and nature. These ancient understandings are based on spirituality, not paganism.

Ho'oponopono is not New Age woo-woo. It's based on real spiritual understandings. Our modern civilization has tried to wipe these spiritual practices out of existence in favor of dogma interpreted by unenlightened humans to control others.

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