Monday 25 January 2016

7 Ways To Start Appreciating Yourself

7 Ways To Start Appreciating Yourself
We don’t appreciate ourselves!
It’s not to say we put ourselves down, but in the endeavor for a better life, we tend to think that we aren’t good enough.
You’re good enough. You’re capable and probably doing really well today.
You just have to realize that.
Here are 10 ways to start appreciating yourself:
1) Know that you’re doing better than a lot of people
It’s easy to think that you’re not doing well enough because of the goals you’ve set. For example, I personally had a problem with thinking I was always broke or not as successful as others just because I am not rich.
But you know what? I may not be making six figures, but I’ve my own business which I created by myself. I make money on my own. I know of people who haven’t made a cent even after years of being in business.
I am not bragging. I am just appreciating myself.
You may not be where you want to be yet, but that doesn’t mean you’re that far behind.
2) Realize that you’re doing good!
You’re good! You’re fine. You’re alright. You’re quite well indeed!
Start changing the conversation in your head to appreciate yourself. Stop thinking that you’re constantly struggling or not good enough.
Remember that there’s good in you. It’s not all that bad!
3) See yourself for who you really are and not typical benchmarks 
In the blogosphere, the typical benchmarks of being successful means having fame and fortune.
That works of course. Influence and money attract people. But just because you’ve yet to achieve these popular milestones doesn’t mean you aren’t doing well.
For example, I’ve written over 500 articles online. I’ve also had emails coming from readers from all over telling me I inspire them. I even saved a life once!
So instead of telling myself, “I am not as good as the rich and famous”, I say, “I’m the guy who actually save lives!”
That’s how you appreciate yourself here. You get down to the truth of who you are and your achievements!
4) Give yourself a break and of course, rewards
Work hard all you like, but remember, you deserve a break. You deserve a reward.
It doesn’t need to be validated by someone else as they give you something literally.
Give it to yourself already! Spoil yourself!
Want to go on that trip? Go right ahead. You shouldn’t have to slog your whole life.
5) Write down what you’re good at everyday
I mean it: WRITE.
Infuse some power in your expression. Don’t just think about it.
This is to remind yourself who you really are and how capable you actually are.
6) Remember the difference you’ve made in others
Why should you ever have to be the nice guy who finishes last?
Forget that. You’re a nice person who has helped others. You’ve made a difference. You’ve created change.
Revel in that. Be proud. Brag about it a little even. Don’t be too modest.
7) Remember that we’re all going to die anyway
Guess what? We’re all equal.
We’re all going to meet at the same destination (where ever that is.)
But one thing is for certain: We’re leaving this place. And that means we’re going to leave everything behind, be it your kids, money, fame or whatever. It will all not matter eventually.
What will matter is whether you can actually look back and answer truthfully that you led a happy and honest life.
So how about you start being grateful and also happy with who you are, and what you have?
Why be overwhelmed and burden by struggles all the time?
Why not start appreciating yourself?

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