Wednesday 6 January 2016

Uncover Your Passion

I believe that, if you're reading this, you already have what it 
takes to become successful beyond your wildest dreams.

You're seeking out the answers, and by seeking, you've proven that you're head and shoulders above 97% of other people.

Today, I wanted to share a short lesson about discovering what truly drives you, because this will guide you as you create the life ahead of you.

Uncovering Your Life Path

Have you ever felt like there was an invisible wall in your brain preventing you from being able to understand what you REALLY want?

If the answer is yes, I believe I may know the answer.

You see, whether you realize it or not, there are thousands of beliefs that you harbor in your mind about the world that you've never really examined. They've probably made their way into your head as a result of past experiences, especially emotional ones.

Some of these beliefs are really helpful (like the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street or cooking chicken before you eat it).

Other beliefs may actually be sabotaging your efforts in the world (it will be next to impossible for you to ever become rich if you think that money is the root of all evil, and you'll be unhappy in relationships if you think everyone is out to get you).

Now, the first step to happiness in any endeavor is figuring out what's going to make you happy. Sometimes our passions just fall into our laps, but why leave things to chance?

You already have the power living inside you to start a process that magnetically attracts your passions to you.

It all starts with your current state of mind.

And today, I would like to share a short but powerful exercise that will illuminate some of the most important aspects of your life.

There really is something magical that happens when you write down your goals and dreams, instead of keeping them just in your head. After being written down on a page, your thoughts suddenly become more real… tangible…

Even if you've done an exercise like this before, you may be 
surprised at how much has changed since then, or how different your insights are in your current frame of mind.

Start By Taking 5 Minutes To Uncover a Few Truths About Yourself:

1.) List 5 activities you wish you could do each week.
2.) List 5 features about the person you want to become.
3.) List 3 emotions you wish you could feel on a regular basis.

You may want to consider…. material items, desired emotions, pursuits that give you satisfaction, as well as your spiritual connection with the universe.

When you write your answers down, you're making the 
decision to start thinking about your life in a purposeful way.

That means you've taken the first step to creating your life 
the way you want it, instead of simply being an observer, 
always on the lookout, just waiting for things to happen.

What next?

Now that you've gotten a bit clearer on what you really want, 
how do you achieve it?

I want you to take one step, even a tiny baby step, right now
toward making one of the things you've listed become closer 
to reality. Not sure what action to take?

Well, if you have about 10 minutes, watch this quick video
where I talk about how I used to do everything the hard way 
before I learned how to speed up my efforts dramatically.

In it, I reveal how I made my dreams come true and I share 
how you can achieve your dreams too, only I'll show you the 
'easy way' to make it happen ;)

Here's a hint: It's a truly unique mental training technique that you can use to effortlessly magnify your efforts. 


About the Author: Natalie Ledwell is a Law of Attraction expert, bestselling author and speaker. She also hosts an online TV Show, The Inspiration Show, and is a co-founder of the personal development company, Mind Movies, which offers online courses and coaching programs. Natalie is passionate about helping others to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through personal transformation.

Find out more about Natalie and Mind Movies here

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