Tuesday 16 December 2014

The Practical Do’s and Don’ts of a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Even though the holiday season brings joy, love, peace and harmony, unfortunately it can also create stress and financial strain.

The problem here however is not the season itself, but rather the way we may be approaching it.
If you’d like to ensure you enjoy the holiday festivities free of stress, then make sure you follow these simple, practical Do’s and Don’ts…

1- Don’t plan more than you can accomplish
The holiday season can be very demanding and may require you to attend or host family or work parties. Don’t force yourself to commit to all of them.

DO: Prioritize
Instead, make sure you schedule a lighter day after a big event and prioritize those that are important to you. This will allow you to recover without having to push yourself too hard.
If you’re hosting a party, make a list of everything you’ll need ahead of time, and ask your friends and family to help you. Who said planning a party wasn’t fun?

2- Don’t spend more than you can afford  
During this time of the year people tend to spend a lot more money buying presents, on travel and entertainment.

DO: Set yourself a budget
A good way to do this is to write down, in different categories, how much you’re allowing yourself to spend on gifts, travel, food, etc. and then, stick to your plan.

3- Don’t strive for perfection
Thinking that the holidays should unfold in a specific way will probably cause you disappointment and frustration.
So forget about the perfect gift, or if the house isn’t tidy enough, or if dinner didn’t turn out right. Sometimes we’re too overly concerned about what others think of us… our house, our family, our habits, etc., that we forget that the most important thing during the holidays is to enjoy the company of our loved ones.

DO: Strive to enjoy the present moment
Enjoy cooking with your friends and family, spending time with them and even buying presents that you know will make them smile. :)

4- Don’t allow room for self-pity
If you’re by yourself this season, don’t feel sorry for yourself, instead…

DO: Be thankful for what you have
Do your best to make it as great as possible by dedicating time to do the things that you love the most. Maybe try something exciting that you’ve never done before or donate your time to help others less fortunate than you.

Remember that you have the opportunity to make this time of the year the best experience possible, so make the most of it!

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