Thursday 8 January 2015

Healthy Living Day 8: Get a Great Workout!

Day 8: Get a Great Workout!

Today’s challenge task is to get a great workout! :D Just like our diet, exercising is fundamental to living a healthy life. Even if one eats the healthiest diet and meditates regularly, one can’t hope to be truly healthy without exercise. There have been countless research that shows a strong link between increased activity and better health. Research has also shown that exercising daily brings tremendous benefits to our health, including increased life span (as long as four years), lower risk of diseases, higher bone density and of course, weight loss!
Now, note that while I use the words “exercise” and “workout” here, I don’t necessarily mean running 10 km or spinning for an hour. That’s cool if you enjoy them (I personally love a rigorous workout session to sweat it out too, though maybe not for 10 km!), but perhaps some of you aren’t able to do intense workouts due to existing body ailments/conditions/injury. If so, that’s perfectly okay. Today’s task isn’t about exercising till your body goes numb, but about engaging your body in more activity and incorporating more movement in your life. For example, walking for 30 minutes when you are usually sedentary is considered a form of exercise. Climbing the stairs when you normally take the lift is considered a form of exercise too.
So for today, let’s get out there and get a great workout! If you’re already planning to exercise as part of your 14-Day Healthy Living Plan, even better! Let’s all exercise together! :D
Some tips to integrate exercise into your life:
  1. Increase your activity level on a daily basis. Besides the standard sports and running, exercise can also come in other forms, such as brisk walking and stretching. Choose walking over transport for close distances. Climb the stairs instead of taking the lift. Go for a walk in the park.
  2. Pick exercises you enjoy. When you enjoy your exercises, you’ll naturally want to do them. Exercise isn’t about suffering and pushing yourself; it’s about being healthy and having fun at the same time!
  3. Have a variety of exercises to choose from. Adding variation can keep things interesting. What are three to four exercises that you enjoy? Rotate between them to keep things fresh. Of course, perhaps you’re like me — someone who prefers to stick with one same exercise for familiarity and convenience. If so, that’s great — do whatever works best for you! :D
  4. Group exercises. Individual exercises are great but sometimes they may get stale. Pick some group exercises every once in a while and work out with your friends. When you enjoy something, you’ll naturally want to do it more often and be more committed in it!

Home Aerobics

My exercise plans often get cancelled due to bad weather or when I’m traveling, and it can be very frustrating! If you share the same problem, here’s a solution: Home Aerobics! With home aerobics, you can get a great 30- to 40-minute workout whenever you want, wherever you are, regardless of the weather! In fact, I prefer this to actual class aerobics because it’s so convenient and I can do it whenever I want to!
What’s even more awesome is that YouTube has plenty of these home aerobic videos — free — so you can just load up one of these videos on YouTube and get moving! (If you want to download the aerobic videos onto your computer for offline use, here’s a website to download Youtube videos.)
Here are some workout videos from YouTube — you can even pick one of them to do for today’s task! :D

1) Standard Aerobic Workout (30 Minutes)

2) Latin-Dance-Style Workout (50 Minutes)

3) 6-Week Six-Pack Abs Workout, Level 1 (35 Minutes)

4) Ultimate Fat Burn Workout (20 Minutes)

More great aerobic videos on Youtube.
If any of you are interested in getting a six-pack abs, read How to Get a Six Pack (series)!

Next, Follow Your Plan for Day 8 (Take Pictures Too!)

What tasks have you set for Day 8 of your 14-Day Healthy Living Plan? Do them today!
Take pictures of your healthy meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner, and mid-day snacks if any — and share them in the comments section. :D After all, a picture tells a thousand words, and when you share photos of your healthy meals, it inspires others to eat healthily and gives them ideas on what healthy food they can have too!
Post your initial comment sharing your results for today’s challenge task, then add on throughout the day as you have your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and/or if you’re doing any workouts. Attach photos of your meals by clicking the image icon on the bottom left of every comment box. As you add on to your comment thread, be sure to click on the reply button directly below your original comment so that you reply to your own thread (as opposed to starting a new thread).

Share Your Results (and Photos!)

Share in the comments section!
  1. What workout you did today
  2. Your progress with your healthy living plan today
  3. Pictures of your meals
  4. Pictures of your workout (if any)
Do check out the other participants’ comments too and share a word of encouragement or two. We’re all in this together, so let’s support each other as a group! :)
Stay tuned for Day 9′s task tomorrow! :D

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