Wednesday 25 February 2015

Eight Effective Ways to Detoxify Our Bodies to Live Healthy

Detoxing is a great way to boost your metabolism and to improve clarity of thought, give you more energy and help you lose some weight. Let’s review eight effective ways to detoxify our bodies and start living healthy again.
1- Purified Water
Drinking water helps clear the intestines of chemicals that our body can’t use, but it won’t do much for a detox if the water we are consuming has the same amount of chemicals as the rest of the junk. Our water is filled with cleaning and purifying agents, pesticides, and many other things that our bodies cannot process. Drink more purified water. Distilled water is widely available and typically very cheap, but there are other ways to do it. These can be found online.
2- Fiber
Another easy way to detox is to include fiber in your diet. Fiber binds with not only pesticides, but heavy metals to move them along the intestinal tract and ultimately expel them. Again, keep purified water in your diet and drink more of it if you intend to increase your fiber intake.
3- Detox Supplements/Smoothies
Replacing one meal a day with a detox supplement or smoothie can help your body detox quickly and effectively. Also, anything with a citrus base, like lime or lemon, can assist in the process.
4- How About a Little Relaxation?
Getting a massage is probably one of the most relaxing ways to get rid of the toxins in your body. Getting a massage stimulates your lymph system. As pressure is applied to the fat and muscle tissue, toxins are released into your body for seamless processing.
5- Yummy…Clay!
It actually doesn’t taste that bad–they use it in wine–but bentonite clay is one of the best ways to help your body get rid of the junk. Most toxins in your body have a positive charge. Once bentonite clay binds with water, it produces a negative charge, drawing toxins and heavy metals to it for easy expulsion.
6- Tea
Try replacing your morning cup of coffee with green tea. Green tea does have caffeine in it, about half as much as a cup of coffee. It is also loaded with antioxidants that help fight cancer causing free radicals.
7- Fasting
Fasting allows your body to rid itself of toxins that take your intestines extra time to process, time that they are not afforded when they are busy processing everything else. Fast for a period of twenty four hours and break the fast with a fruit high in water, like watermelon. Do this once a month for best results.
8- Sweating
Whenever you work up a sweat, toxins are released from your body. This happens when you work out outside, at the gym, in a dance studio…it is simply a part of life. If you seek spiritual enrichment in addition to a full body detox, try a Native American sweat lodge, where chanting, rattles, darkness and physical excursion compel the body into a state of meditation.
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