Sunday 1 February 2015


simple chakra balancing test(Scroll down for the test)
What is Chakra Balance, and why is it important?
An “imbalance” in your Chakras means that some Chakras are over-active, and some are under-active. Many people who are new to the ideas of “Chakra balancing” and “Chakra healing” mistakenly think that means “opening the Chakras”. Just like anything else in life, the keyword is “balance”, not too much, and not too little. Since the Chakras receive and transmit energy (which translates into psychic, emotional and physical energy) too much or too little may effect the way we think, act and feel; for instance, too little flow through the Heart Chakra could translate into a “hard hearted” and selfish personality, and too much flow through the Heart Chakra could translate into a person with a “bleeding heart”, someone who’s generous compassion can easily be taken advantage of. You might find that “closing” a Chakra or two actually provides more psychic and emotional relief than “opening” a Chakra.
chakras for beginners bookAnother concept most people don’t understand (or even reject) is that we are not alone, either as individuals, or as a human race; “open Chakras” is a primary means for “energy vampires”, either the ones we can see, or the ones we can’t see, to attach to us, to drain our energy, manipulate our thoughts and emotions, and to attempt to live through us. This is why “closing” or “covering” your Chakras is equally as important as “opening your Chakras”. Finding that perfect balance between openess to outside and Universal energies, and keeping up our own energetic boundaries, is the main purpose of Chakra balancing and Chakra healing. While being “One with the Universe” may be the ideal state of Being and the ultimate spiritual goal, don’t rush it; first you need to learn to differentiate between you, the Universe, and “others”, who may not be as spiritually advanced as you, and will only hold you back or drain you, if you are open to their energetic influence.
chakra balancingMental states of being and our emotions have resonant frequencies; this is the secret force behind the transformational power of spiritual song and music, mantras and spoken prayers. Our various mental states and emotions are related to specific Chakra sound frequencies, and will respond to color, which is also a frequency. When exposed long enough to a resonant Chakra sound frequency, the Chakras will be brought into balance; and when your Chakras are in balance, so is your mind and emotions. Binaural beat sound therapy techniques, combined with the Chakra tones, can be used to quickly and directly realign the imbalances you may be experiencing within your emotions and mind, by exposing you directly to the most potent sounds for aligning your Chakras, and to make the life changing transformations you crave.
Are your Chakras in balance? How do you know? You can try our free online Chakra Balance test below, then click on the links for more information about each Chakra.
Our website has very effective Chakra balancing sound and color healing audios and videos, we also have information about different foods, colors and gemstones that can help to keep your Chakras in balance.

Please, answer all questions to find out your personal Chakra balance.

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Your Chakras should be evenly balanced, the lines around 50-70%. If you have one that is much lower or higher than the others, that is a Chakra to work on. Very open Chakras can be just as problematic as very closed Chakras.

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