Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentine’s Day celebration with a twist!


I often talk about the fact that what you focus on expands. And I’ve experienced this over and over again. Sometimes in good ways. Sometimes in not so good ways–depending upon what I’m focusing on!
Since Valentine’s Day is a few days away I thought it was the perfect time to share with you a practice I have that is super effective. Especially when:
I’ve been let down
I’m angry at someone
I’m discouraged about money, weight, business, work, you name it
And that practice is to focus on all the things I love. Love is one of the strongest foundations of attracting the life you desire. The more you give out love, the more it expands and brings situations to you that make you feel loved or bring to you people and things to love. Sometimes in those down moments-which we know if we stay in will expand- it is hard to love the person who wronged me, or move up the emotional ladder to ‘happy’ and ‘joy’ over the disappointment in a big job not renewed because of a change of direction or the grief over a young friend struggling with a debilitating illness. Moving up the emotional ladder is not suppressing or trivialising any of those things–it’s moving us into a positive emotional (resilient) state as we address those situations and/or support those who are struggling.
So I focus on what (and who) I love.  My daughters who are kind, generous young women pursuing their dreams. Their wonderful partners–oh what a blessing those two amazing young men are. My husband who is so supportive of all my wild and crazy ventures. My dogs who are such good companions. My tree lined neighbourhood. My house that feels so cozy to us with lots of places to retreat to. My work with University students who are amazing young people. Friday nights at home in the winter relaxing in the warmth after a busy week. The vegan carrot cake cupcake at our local bakery. The life and business transformation my kinesiologist Kerry Rowett has given me. My bed which is so comfortable and means I’m not sleeping on a bench somewhere in the cold but am warm in my own house–sending a prayer to those who are fighting the elements. Running water that I can freely drink from the tap and know is always available for a shower–after a week in a developing country I fully say thank you for this most days. Catch ups with friends who encourage me, make me laugh and who inspire me in so many ways.
As you can see the list could go on and on. And just writing this and remembering those things raised my emotions to a higher level.
So my Valentine’s Day challenge (which I will do as well) is:
On February 14 spend the whole day just noticing the big and little things you love in your life. Maybe write some of them down. Or type them into the notes app on your phone.
And when you look at them or think of them, just hold space for them for a few moments, feeling the emotions of the love for whatever it is you are picturing. Take note of how it expands your positive emotions and be on the lookout for more things to come to you to love. Remember you are a magnet that attracts back to you what you send out-the more you send out, the bigger the magnet is. You may decide that this might be a good habit to adopt maybe one day a week!
And if you want to take it to the next level, write someone a note, or tell them in person how much you appreciate them and love what they’ve done to enrich your life.
Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world”.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.


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