Tuesday 24 March 2015

14 Affirmations To Balance Your 7 Chakras

When the chakras are aligned we can more easily bring forward our trust, wisdom, clarity, power, confidence, love, compassion, acceptance, emotional balance and discipline.
By using affirmations to bring our chakras into balance, we are acknowledging that we are filled with greatness (Crown Chakra) and filled with humility (Root Chakra). We are acknowledging that we are learning and growing (Throat Chakra) and we are working to accept and embrace our strengths and weaknesses (Solar Plexus).
Here are seven affirmations you can use to balance your seven chakras in order to cultivate greater self-acceptance:
Chakra Balancing Affirmations For Self-Acceptance:
Crown: I am filled with greatness.
Third eye: I am wise.
Throat: I am learning and I am growing. We are all learning and growing.
Heart: I love and appreciate myself as I am.
Solar Plexus: I accept myself completely. I accept that I have strengths and I accept that I have weaknesses.
Sacral: I am both sensitive and strong.
Root: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am.
Now, suppose you wanted to focus on cultivating more trust in yourself and in others. While trust is a truly important spiritual principle, when it is not integrated with the other chakras, it can get us into trouble.
Here are seven more affirmations that integrates the trust of the Crown chakra with the other chakras:
Chakra Balancing Affirmations For Trust:
Crown: I let go and I trust the process of life.
Third eye: I am a wise decision maker.
Throat: I am filled with the power of spirit.
Heart: I am filled with courage.
Solar Plexus: I accept that I am learning and growing.
Sacral: I am balanced. I know when to act and I know when to wait.
Root: I am disciplined.
Here we are integrating our trust — associated with the Crown Chakra — with wisdom and wise decision-making. We are integrating our trust with courage. We are integrating our trust with balance and knowing when to act and when to wait. And we are integrating our trust with discipline. We are integrating all seven of the chakras so that we can continue to bring our best self forward.
As you can see, chakra balancing is a very important tool for becoming your most authentic self. Experience the power, confidence and strength that comes from balancing and aligning all of your chakras and see what happens!
Photo Credit: Getty Images

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