Friday 20 March 2015

Life Hack: 5 Quick Vibration Boosters

If you’re feeling down, upset, angry, lethargic or stressed, it will do you good to raise your vibration as quickly as possible. Here are 5 quick vibration boosters for you to use “in case of emergency” (emergency being a low vibration):
Helping others instantly lifts your vibration1. Do something meaningful for someone.
The energy you put out in the world is the energy that will exist in your immediate vicinity. So contribute to other people emitting positive energy by passing them yours! Do something meaningful for someone, without expectation of reward or acknowledgment. (Pay for coffee for the car behind you, compliment a stranger, make food for everyone at your work, pay a visit to someone you love, leave a happy note on someone’s car, etc.) Anything you can do, someone will appreciate. You will be amazed at how great this feels. Do something for someone else. Giving to someone else changes your thinking from “I don’t have enough” to “I have enough to share with others.” Sharing creates a high vibration. How much time/effort does it take to compliment someone? Not much – but the vibrational reward is huge!
2. Music!
Music can have a significant influence on your vibration, because music is a vibration! Hearing a song you love or singing to a classic in your car is an excellent way to de-stress and express joy! Don’t be afraid to throw in a little happy dance! Other people’s vibrations can also be raised just by seeing you enjoy yourself so much. Music provides a rhythm, beat and can help you get into your “flow” better! We can use music to feel feelings more deeply, relate to others, and tap into our inner emotions. Sometimes all it takes is a song you can jive with to change your whole vibration by making you happy.
3. Stop complaining, start appreciating!
It feels like it makes us feel better to whine about things we aren’t happy about because it cues others to sympathize and try and help. But what it’s also doing, is lowering the vibrations in, and all around us. When we complain, we keep the negative thoughts and feelings at the forefront of our minds and it blocks our vibrations and positive energy from flowing. Thinking about things you are happy about and appreciative for will lower your stress level and raise your vibration.  Try writing a few things down every day that you are grateful for in order to recall these things in time of need and reinforce the pathways in your brain to these memories.
Spend time in nature (even a few minutes a day)!4. Get outside.
Being in nature and breathing fresh air is so good for your vibration. The sun on your skin raises your serotonin levels which is a natural mood enhancer. Take a moment to appreciate the life all around you. Look at how each tree branch has its own personality, listen to the unique song of the birds, and feel the softness of the grass, pine needles or dirt under your feet. Be at one with the earth as we are all products of it made out of the same material. Also if you’re outside it is likely that you are getting at least a little bit of exercise, which releases endorphins, raises your metabolism and energy level and ultimately leaves you feeling a little more confident in yourself and your body.
5. Love thyself.
Give yourself some confidence and credit. You are your own worst critic, so your approval should be the most satisfying of all. Positively affirm 100 times a day if necessary that you are happy, you do great things, and you are capable of change. You may not believe it yet, but with practice you will. Your 100 repetitions could just be, I have the power to create my reality. Be the one to give yourself a pat on the back when you accomplish things instead of waiting for the acknowledgement of others and you will feel 100x better about the milestones you have put behind you. The more you love yourself the more people around you will love you. Our inner frequencies create our outer frequencies, so maintain a high level of happiness with yourself and you will attract more of that feeling to you.
These five vibration boosters take virtually no time or effort, but the payoff is tremendous. So what are you waiting for?

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