Saturday 12 September 2015

Remembering Wayne Dyer

I first met Wayne Dyer in 1994 when he was speaking at a church in San Diego. My son Charles and I attended his half-day workshop, and participated in the exercises that he led the audience through. After the workshop, I interviewed Wayne for a national magazine on which I was a staff writer. He was kind, gracious, and very generous with his time.  I remember driving home from that workshop feeling elated from the inspiration which Wayne imparted.
Two years later, I was scheduled to speak at the Whole Life Expo in San Jose, California. I was a new and unknown speaker and I had the daunting timeslot of being scheduled to speak at the same time as Wayne Dyer was giving a keynote address in another room at the same convention (the expo had simultaneous speakers). 
My workshop room had fewer than 20 participants, as everyone was in Wayne's room for his speech. I completely understood and accepted this situation. However, I was very grateful when Wayne walked into my room before our workshops started. He got on stage and announced to my audience, "You are very smart to be here to listen to Doreen tonight, you made a wise choice!" Then he gave me a supportive hug and walked to give his keynote speech.
The audience and I were all starstruck and grateful for Wayne's blessing that night.
Over the next decades, I had the honor and privilege of speaking at events with Wayne in Australia, Canada, Europe, the UK,  and throughout the U.S.  Whenever I'd see him, Wayne would make the time to stop and chat. There was never any sense of him being in a hurry to go somewhere more important. He was always fully present.
When I moved to Maui, I saw Wayne more frequently in everyday casual settings.  Wayne was always positive and his eyes twinkled with the light of someone who loves life.
Thank you Wayne for being a wonderful role model of living life in-the-moment, and for exuding positive energy. Thank you for all of the support you gave to me over the years.
It's still difficult to believe that you won't be physically in my life, in our lives, any more. You were so iconic and such a fixture in my life these past 20 years. We will all miss your physical presence, and my prayers are with your loved ones.  I take solace in knowing that your soul is now free to rest, explore, learn, and teach. God bless you, Wayne!
Love, Doreen
Visit Dr Wayne Dyer's website ==> for more inspiration, guidance and wisdom. 

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