Tuesday 21 April 2015

5 Simple Steps For Creating Powerful Affirmations

Do you know what the majority of the world's most successful
people have in common?

Well, besides being wealthy and sometimes famous, many of them 
actually use affirmations and visualization to bring their dreams and 
goals to reality! 

One really good example is the story of Jim Carrey. Jim used to go 
up every night to Mulholland Drive and sit on top of his car, look 
out at the city, stretch out his arms and say: "Everybody wants to 
work with me. I'm a really good actor. I have all kinds of great 
movie offers." 

He would repeat these affirmations over and over until he convinced
himself that he had a couple of movies lined up. But he didn't stop 
there, he also wrote a check to himself for 10 million dollars, kept it 
in his wallet and then 6 months later he got this amount as a payment 
for his work on 'Dumb and Dumber'! Not bad, huh? 

As you can see, affirmations are extremely powerful and the reason 
is because they directly affect our conscious and subconscious mind. 
And by consistently repeating them with conviction and passion, they 
reprogram our thoughts allowing us to not only change our state of 
mind, but to also materialize our dreams and goals regardless of how 
big or crazy they may seem. 

So if you'd like to follow the footsteps of some of the most successful 
people in the world... 

Then follow these 5 simple tips to create powerful affirmations, and 
start manifesting your dreams right away! 

1. Start with the words, "I Am..." These two words are extremely 
powerful as your brain knows that you're referring to yourself. Starting 
your affirmations with these two words will give your subconscious 
mind clarity and belief that whatever comes after them, IS your reality.

2. Write in the present tense. When you say affirmations in present 
tense, you're reassuring yourself that you believe whatever is in your 
affirmation, is factual and real right now. 

Your mind can't tell the difference between past or future, fake or real, 
this is why when you imagine yourself drinking lemon juice, you start 
producing saliva. Also, when your words are in the present tense, your 
mind can visualize the image at the same time. 

3. Keep it positive. Avoid words with negative connotations like 'not 
to', 'don't, 'can't', 'fear', etc. Our minds focus more on these words
instead of avoiding them. For example, if I asked you NOT TO think 
about a blue elephant, your mind will picture a blue elephant even though 
I asked you not to think about it. Instead of saying 'I am able to get rid 
of stage fright', say 'I am enjoying the excitement of speaking on stage'. 

4. Make it short and clear. Remember that the main purpose of an 
affirmation is for you to be able to picture it and ingrain it into your mind. 
So when creating an affirmation, make it direct and specific. 

5. Make it exciting. When creating affirmations, you want to create 
positive, self-affirming, self-empowering statements that uplift and inspire 
you. So make sure you add fun and exciting words like, 'I am 
ENJOYING making $100,000 a year.' 

Repeat your affirmations as many times a day as you can, even when you
may feel you don't need to. Remember that consistency is key if you really 
want to make a positive and lasting change in your life. 

Now that you know one of the greatest secrets for creating wealth and 
success in your life, I want to share with you something that personally 
helped me achieve the financial success that I had always desired - which 
was figuring out (and removing) any mental traps that were lingering in 
my mind! 

To help you, I created a FREE, fun and powerful 30-second quiz. 


After just a few quick multiple choice questions, you'll get access to a 
free, revealing video report detailing what mental trap could be blocking 
you from the financial freedom and success you desire right now, PLUS 
how to remove it!


About the Author: Natalie Ledwell is a Law of Attraction expert, 
bestselling author and speaker. She also hosts an online TV Show, 
The Inspiration Show, and is a co-founder of the personal 
development company, Mind Movies, which offers online courses 
and coaching programs. Natalie is passionate about helping others 
to achieve their greatest dreams and ambitions through personal 

Find out more about Natalie and Mind Movies by visiting 

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