Are you still stuck living with just the five senses? Well, the truth is that you have six…
It’s something we all have, but unfortunately only a handful of people really know how to use it to their full advantage.
This 6th sense is your intuition.
It’s a pity because everyday people struggle to make the right decisions, find their life’s purpose, and stress out from worrying about their outcomes. But if you manage to achieve a high sense of intuition, then life will become a blessing and a joy.
She’s been teaching people to unleash their intuition for over 35 years, and has even written 14 books on the subject. They’ve even been translated in 17 languages! She has a PhD in Metaphysics and has even been featured on CNN, NBC, ABC, and other media.
On top of training 50,000 students, she has also been a personal Intuitive advisor to Louise Hay, Julia Cameron, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and even Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins.
To learn more about your intuition, you can listen to Sonia’s interview here >>
There are 3 levels of intuition, as outlined by psychic and intuition teacher, Sonia Choquette, and when you hit all three, you will have success in every part of your life.
Level 1: Your Physical Security.
Level 2: Relational Intimacy (dealing with friends, family and people).
Level 3: Personal Interest and Success.
But before you can achieve the 3 levels, you need to sharpen your intuition, so check out these 5 techniques for six-sensory living.
1. Find Solitude
The world we live in now is jam packed with information, disinformation, other people’s opinions, media campaigns, etc. So it’s pretty hard to differentiate between your inner voice and the voice of the external world.
Spend 30 minutes each day being alone.
Whether you’re meditating or journaling, these 30 minutes will allow you to get in touch with you really are and not what the world wants you to be. Take this time to let your thoughts flow and really listen to yourself. Ask yourself questions. You’ll be surprised what answers come out of you.
Most people go through years or even decades without really speaking to their heart and subconscious. What happens is you wake up one day and think, “I have no idea who I am.”
If you want to sharpen your intuition, you need to know yourself.
You need to acknowledge your inner voice and become familiar with how it speaks to you and what its personality is. Just like you spend time getting to know someone else, you also need to spend time to get to know yourself.
Once you have a good idea of who you are, your intuition will become louder and louder, until it overpowers all the other voices in the world. And when you find yourself facing an obstacle, you’ll find that the solutions come quicker because your conscious mind is used to listening to your intuition.
2. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Another part of intuition is your ability to feel what someone else is thinking or going through. This has probably happened to you already without you realizing it. For example, when you’re with a friend and you can pick up that they feel happy or sad. Even if you’re in a large group of people you don’t know you can intuitively sense if someone feels out of place or stressed.
This energy you’re picking up comes from your intuition. To build your intuition on the relationship front, you need to let go of judgment and put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Try to see things from another person’s perspective.
By doing this, you’ll connect yourself with humanity and be able to read people on a deeper level. This is incredibly important as everything we do involves other people.
Once your intuition gains strength, finding a soul mate, a business partner, or picking a group of friends will end in more positive outcomes. This form of intuition is also handy for seeing if someone is lying to you, or even lying to themselves.
3. Acknowledge your vibes.
Everyone has vibes, but few acknowledge them.
The next time you feel ‘something‘, acknowledge this feeling, focus on it, and ask yourself what could this feeling possibly mean.
This vibe you’re getting might urge you to do something, warn you of something, or try to tip you off about what’s coming. This happens a lot when you meet people. You might be left with a positive or negative vibe, and this is your intuition telling you something. And it’s up to you to acknowledge this vibe and analyze it.
The more you do this the more you’ll recognize your intuition when it surfaces.
A great story of this came from a Silva Method student who, right before going to Thailand for a vacation, used her intuition to sense what the trip would be like. All she felt was a big fat NO. She told her friends immediately how she felt, and fortunately for them they chose to go with her intuition. Their trip was scheduled exactly when the 2006 tsunami hit South East Asia.
So pay attention. Your vibes could save your life.
4. Play the “I Wonder” Game.
Here’s a good way to get your intuition to come out and play with you. Sonia recommends this game, and it’s tons of fun. You can play this with your friends and family.
Basically, you just say to yourself, “I wonder…“, and finish that sentences with whatever pops up. Just let your mind wander in wonderment.
“I wonder what color the next car that drives by will be.”
“I wonder who’s going to call me next.”
“I wonder what will be on special at the store today.”
As Sonia says, “wondering is the front door to intuition”, and this game allows your mind to go beyond logical thinking and dig into intuition. Sonia has more to say about intuition games and exercises, and you can learn about them here.
5. Let your intuition make money for you
When we think about wealth, business, or work, intuition doesn’t seem to fit in at all. But that just isn’t true. Some of the most successful people in the world rely on their intuition to bring in the big bucks.
Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates have all publicly cited intuition as a reason for success.
Most people wander through life without a clear path of where they want to be, and how to get there. Instead, we just guess and test. Or rather, trial and error. These errors can be costly and painful. So the next time you work with money, give your intuition a check.
Your intuition lets you know when you think a deal will go sour, if a business partner is cheating you out of your money, or where it feels your strengths lie.
A few years ago, Vishen was in New York trying to make his business boom. But things weren’t going that well. Then suddenly his intuition kicked in and told him to get out of New York. So he did. And it was only after he left New York that MindValley and FinerMinds exploded!
Here’s a cool video where Sonia walks you through intuition, what is it and how you get it…
There are tons of intuition resources out there, but Sonia Choquette is an all time favorite.
The interview she did with Vishen is absolutely brilliant and informative, so if you want to know how to really bring out your intuition and achieve all 3 levels of intuition, then give it a listen :-)
P.S. The FinerMinds team just listened to it, and we’re all pretty shocked at how much intuition can affect someone’s life. Plus the stories she tells are crazy.
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