Tuesday 28 April 2015

How Your Friendships Change Along Your Spiritual Path

The spiritual path is life-changing.  Spirituality changes what and who you’re attracted to. Your tastes in food, music, movies, free time activities, and friendships change as your focus becomes more heart-centered.

As a result of our spiritual study, we lose the desire for mood- altering substances, we’re repelled by violence in the media, and our attraction to people changes. The angels explain a lot of these changes as being a result of our “frequency shifting.” They say that each person has a vibrational frequency that is visible to them, much like when we view a car’s system on an oscilloscope or a person’s brainwaves over a monitoring machine.

The angels say that our frequency adjusts according to our thoughts and emotions. Those who worry, fret, and obsess have slow frequencies, while those who meditate and pray regularly have higher frequencies. As our frequencies shift upward, we become attracted to higher- vibrating situations, people, food, and energies. This also means that we won’t be attracted to some of the friends and events that once captivated us.

Vibrations surrounding ego issues, such as anger, violence, a lack mentality (believing there isn’t enough to go around), a victim mentality (believing that other people control you or are to blame for your unhappiness), competitiveness, dishonesty, and jealousy are extremely low.

High vibrations surround spiritual- mindedness, such as meditation, prayer, devotion, selfless service, volunteerism, healing work, teaching, sharing, and expressions of love. The angels suggest that we avoid lower- vibrating situations as a means of pulling up our spiritual frequencies. They are particularly adamant about avoiding reports in the print and broadcast media that promote negativity.

“Through my spiritual studies, I made some decisions to change how I lived,” an audience member named Celia explained to me. “First, I decided to stop gossiping and talking down about people. My spiritual studies made me aware that I was actually hurting myself every time I gossiped or put down someone else.”

Celia was initially uncomfortable with this decision because she and her best friends regularly engaged in gossip as a group pastime. How would her friends react if she didn’t join in? So, Celia asked for Divine guidance about how to handle the situation. What she received, through intuitive emotional feelings, was a true answer to her prayers.
“I knew that I was to help my friends learn that it’s more fun not to gossip than it is to gossip!” Celia explained. “After all, we only did this because we thought it was the best way to have fun. So, I leveled with my friends one night and said, ‘Look, this type of talk is really holding us all back. Let’s stop it, and make a pact to say something if we ever hear one of us start to gossip.’

“So, whenever anyone in our group starts to talk negatively about someone or something, someone else in the group will speak up and say, ‘Oops!’ or something like that to call attention to the gossip. What we found is that gossip was a habit we’d all gotten into, and it took us some time to break that habit. All of us feel so much better now that we’re sharing more positive things when we talk.” As Celia pointed out, when we go through behavioral transitions as a result of our spiritual path, it’s an opportunity for us to be a way- shower or teacher to our friends and family.

This is a tricky balancing act, however. Nobody— especially our friends and family— wants to receive sermons or lectures. The best way to teach peace is to demonstrate it through our actions. If we scream at our friends or family, “Why can’t you be as spiritual as I am?” they pay attention to our demeanor and discount our words. Ask the angels to guide your actions and words so that you can be a truly effective teacher to others.

True Divine guidance never speaks in terms of blame, guilt, or whether someone is right, wrong, good, or bad. So, your angels always seek out a win- win resolution to conflict. However, they may occasionally guide you away from relationships and help you close the door on a friendship whose purpose has been served.

Ending a friendship can feel frightening to anyone, but for those on the spiritual path, this process can elicit extra guilt. “I’m supposed to help people and be a loving person,” you may worry. “Am I abandoning my friend if I choose to spend less time with her?”

The truth is that you may choose to spend less time with old friends, and more time with new people in your life. This does not mean that you are judging, criticizing, or abandoning anyone. You are not being a snob or isolating yourself. You are simply allowing yourself to be guided according to the spiritual law of attraction.

We are attracted to people whose mind- sets mirror our own. It’s a matter of common interests creating friendships. As your lifestyle shifts, you will naturally look for people with whom you have things in common.

Here is a prayer to help you make a friendship transition peacefully and lovingly:

"Beloved Creator, I know, deep down, that my friendship with __________is ending. I ask Your help to accept this transition with grace and peace. I ask that You and the angels help me be honest in a loving way, with myself, and with my friend. Please help me be true to myself so that my actions stem from love instead of from fear, guilt, or obligation. Please comfort my friend so that we can both accept this change in a positive way."

Here is a prayer to attract new healthy friendships:

"Dearest God, I now see myself surrounded by loving friends with whom I share much in common. I can feel the presence of new friendships with like- minded souls, and I ask Your help in manifesting this vision. Please guide me to meet new people who are positive, spiritually minded, health conscious, and fun. Please help me to know that I deserve the love and attention of these new friends. Thank You so much."

Excerpted from Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue, available at all bookstores, including instant download: Here or Here.

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