Tuesday 27 October 2015

4th Annual LIVE Brain-A-Thon and Winning the Game of Money

If you are really serious about achieving greater financial success you must read and understand this now. 
In my many years of studying human perception and peak behavior it never ceases to amaze me how many people think that we see with our eyes. We don’t! 
We see when light bounces off an external object and enters our eye through the cornea, causing complex chemical reactions and electrical impulses to occur. This allows our brain to decipher the information from our external world and to determine whether or not it is important to us. It is actually our brain that sees and not our eyes. Our eyes are just like the lens on a camera – they allow in light that is reflected off objects so that our brain can see and process information. 
Seems pretty simple right? Now, you may be asking why this is important to earning money and so I’ll explain to you what is really going on and why it’s especially important to you if want to achieve higher levels of financial success. 
The way your brain works is really amazing when it comes to capturing and analyzing information. However, herein lies the problem. 

If you are interested in retraining your brain to maximize your potential, personally and professionally, check out this short video
Every second about 400 billion pieces of “information” from the outside world are being picked up through your eyes and your non-conscious mind. Your conscious mind however is made aware of up to only 2,000 of those pieces of information. That means that over 9.9999 million pieces of information are being dropped from your conscious awareness at any given time. 
Your brain searches the outside world for patterns and images that it currently recognizes or deems highly important. It drops all other sensory information from your perception if it is not on your “important list” or part of your current mental programming or conditioning. 
With that said, if you are conditioned to earn a certain income or if your company is used to generating certain revenues, your brain is will consistently seek out opportunities that match that level of income. Nothing less, nothing more. 
Earning more income is totally an inside mental game and not an outside game. Working harder used to be the answer because that is what our parents, teachers and mentors taught us we should do. They didn’t know better. Today we do. 
With all the advancements in brain research and recent understandings in quantum physics, you owe it to yourself to really understand how your priceless brain works and how to take control of all its powerful systems. In the last six years alone the advancements in human potential have been huge, especially in understanding why people get stuck financially. 
If you are still working way too hard daily, then you are really missing the boat on taking your income or revenues to your true potential. 
If you are interested in retraining your brain to maximize your potential, personally and professionally, check out this short video

To Your Success, 
John Assaraf

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