Monday 12 October 2015

How to Manifest your Deepest Desires Using The Law of Attraction and The Power of the Heart

How to Manifest your Deepest Desires Using The Law of Attraction and The Power of the Heart

Introduction to Manifesting your Deepest Desires Using The Law of Attraction and The Power of the Heart

In this article I will share with you a step-by-step system I put together for myself several years ago when I made the decision to combine all I had learned about Heart Intelligence, reality manifestation, personal development and spiritual growth, to manifest my heart’s desires. Since then, this has become the basic framework I privately share with my individual coaching clients, and group trainings
The information I’ll be sharing here is a bird’s eye view of the material I cover in greater detail in my Manifesting from the Heart 7-week online program which you can buy at my website.
If you understand the 7 basic principles, follow the 9 steps I’ll describe here with patience, and apply what you learn by doing the inner and outer work, you will literally expand your capacity to easily manifest your soul’s desire, and actualize your potential in this lifetime. 
As George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.” Therefore, the process of manifesting from the heart is ultimately a process where you become a powerful, conscious creator, so that you can give birth to a whole new version of yourself. 
Ready to get started? Let’s dive in…

Introduction to Manifesting from the Heart

In my experience, there’s two kinds of lives: a default life, and a created life. A default life is the one you’re destined to live if you just keep doing what you’re currently doing now. A created life is one you chose to consciously create as you embark on a hero’s journey towards the treasure that lives within your own heart.
What is this treasure, you may wonder?
I believe this treasure is who you really are, and who you came here to be in this lifetime. Some people call this your higher calling or soul’s purpose. I like to call it, The Law of the Heart, which basically says that…
Within your heart there is a treasure, or seed containing the destiny you’re here to manifest. This treasure lies dormant within you, already accomplished; only awaiting expression in the physical realm by virtue of your perception of it, the choices you make and the actions you take from a united state of heart and mind.
Imagine for a moment what would your life look like, feel like, and sound like if you could just stop pleasing others and worrying about what they think of you, and start following the desires of your heart. Imagine where you would live, what kind of lifestyle you would have, what kind of relationships and friendships you would enjoy. Most importantly, imagine who would you be, and how would you show up differently for yourself and others.
This kind of life is possible. And, I know this because this is the life I’m creating, and helping many others create. But before we dive in let me just warn you… Creating this kind of life is a JOURNEY. A journey towards a higher expression of yourself, towards the kind of person you know in your heart you came here to be. A journey that transcends your mind’s imagination, into the limitless possibilities contained within your heart.
And, as all journeys, it begins when you make the conscious choice or commitment to follow the call to adventure from within your own heart, and leave the safety and security of your default life.

The 7 Principles to Manifesting from the Heart

Manifesting from the Heart, requires that you first become aware of the key 7 principles underpinning this process. You may find that some of these ideas are not new. In fact, most of them are part of the wisdom passed to us from ancient traditions, now being corroborated by science.
Let’s take a brief look at each one:
Principle #1: Everything in the physical Universe is made of electro-magnetic energy. The chair you are sitting on, a rock, your physical body… it is all made of energy, specifically, electro-magnetic energy. At the subatomic level, all matter is ultimately made up of particles or moving waves of energy moving at high-speed.
Principle #2: Thoughts are electric, while feelings or emotions are magnetic. Each one of your thoughts is a unit of mental energy mostly composed of electricity. Electrical energy is focused, direct energy. On the other hand, the energy powering your feelings or emotions is mostly made up of magnetic energy. Magnetic energy either attracts of repels. The combination of thoughts + feelings creates a subtle electro-magnetic field which cannot be seen, but can be felt and even measured. This field also has the capacity to affect people, animals and objects around us.
Principle #3: Your heart is the largest electromagnetic energy generator in the body. Scientific research in the field of neuro-cardiology, and toroidal energy systems suggests that the human heart is the largest generator of electro-magnetic energy in your body. Each pulsating wave generated by your heart is at least 1,000 times more powerful energetically than those generated by the brain.
Principle #4: Emotions influence ‘the field of consciousness’ and affect people, objects, events and circumstances in our lives. Contrary to popular belief and many reality creation paradigms, thought alone does not drive behavior – this, unless it is accompanied by a powerful emotion. This is one of the reasons the information in the movie The Secret did not work for many people. It is how we feel at any given time what determines the actions we eventually take. Emotions influence ‘the field of consciousness’ and affect people, objects, events and circumstances in our lives
Principle #5: Emotions arise out of corresponding energy fields. All emotions are the result of corresponding energy fields generated within the human body. These energy fields can be positive, negative, or neutral. The higher the energy field, the more positive it is, and the greater the energetic or vibrational level. Each level contains a predominant emotion and it is from this emotional states that thoughts are generated.
Principle #6: Your heart contains your life’s purpose or Soul’s Wisdom. Just as our ancestors predicted, our human heart contains it’s own independent mini-brain – also called heart brain – which thinks independently from the brain and can override the brain in areas of creativity, intuition and higher order of thinking. This intelligence system, is what we now called Heart Intelligence or Heart IQ.
Principle #7: A group of hearts together have the tendency to entrain or harmonize with each other and created a unified, and amplified heart field. A group of hearts can harmonize with each other’s electro-magnetic waves through a process called entrainment coined in 1666 by Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, the inventor of the pendulum clock, when he noticed that two pendulum clocks mounted on a board had begun to swing with the same rhythm. Similarly, a group of people who come together with the purpose of opening their hearts, harmonize energetically with each other, and together create an amplified electromagnetic field that is larger than the sum of its parts.
Do these principles sound confusing to you? If they do, don’t worry. As with electricity, in the end it is not necessary that you understand how electricity works in order for you to apply it. What I believe is most important is that you become aware that your heart is way more than just a pump. And that within yourself, you already have all you need to manifest the desires of your heart.

How to Manifest your Deepest Desires Using The Law of Attraction and The Power of the Heart

Now that you understand the seven basic principles governing the process of Manifesting from the Heart, let’s look at the 9 steps involved. Please be aware that, even though I’m listing them in numerical order, in reality, this is not a linear process. This is why I like to sometimes refer to them as ‘ingredients’ rather than steps. 
Let’s take a brief look at each one of them..

The 9 Steps to Manifesting from the Heart

How to Manifest your Deepest Desires Using The Law of Attraction and The Power of the Heart

1. Vision

Your vision is the picture or idea of whatever it is you’d like to create. Do you want a new loving relationship? A new car? A new career? A new home? Without a clear vision of what it is you want, the process of manifesting from the heart cannot begin.
The key to remember is that a vision is something you CREATE. So, if you don’t have a vision, simply create one! Stop waiting for others to tell you what it is you ‘should’ be doing or having, and start creating a vision for each area of your life. A vision that is in alignment with your highest values, and your deepest heart desires. 
How do you do this? By answering the key question that will help you tap into the Greater Vision of what you’d like to create: 
What is my heart longing for? What would it look like, feel like, sound like? Or simply, what would I love to create?

2. Heartset

The heartset of your vision or goal, is the big WHY behind it. You can think of your heartset as “the heart of your goal”, or simply, “the goal behind your goal”. Just like your heart pumps your blood, and powers your body, your Hearset is the juice or power behind your vision. As the old saying goes, “the bigger the WHY, the easier the how.”
And, how do you access the heartset of your vision? By answering this key question: 
What’s significant and meaningful to me about this vision or goal? Or, why is this important to me?

3. Mindset

Having the necessary mindset for the creation of your vision means that your mind – both conscious and unconscious – must FULLY ACCEPT the new vision. In other words, you must believe that what you desire can be achieved and is possible. The reason this is so important is because if you have any opposing thoughts, or competing commitments or beliefs that contradict whatever it is you’re wanting to manifest or create you will not obtain the desired results.
The key questions that will help you start developing your Mindset are: 
Do I believe in my heart and mind that my vision is possible? Can I lovingly and gracefully accept this new reality into your life?

4. Strategy

Manifesting from the Heart requires that you also create a strategy or a step-by-step plan of action towards the creation of your vision. Remember the old saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” So, what you want to do here is reverse engineer all the activities, or actions that will lead you in the direction of your vision. You’ll achieve this by answering these key questions: What are the necessary steps that will take me there? What is my plan of action? What is the first thing I must do? The second? Third? etc.
Let your imagination soar, and hold nothing back. When it comes to creating plans, your mind is the king! And, remember that your strategy is simply a map to help you get to where you are going, but that the map is not the territory. Along the way you’ll need to make adjustments as you start moving forward in the direction of your vision.
The key question you want to answer during this step is:
What are the action steps, or roadmap I will follow in order manifest your purpose or vision?

5. Skillset

In order to create this new reality, chances are you’ll need to form new habits or develop new skills that will strengthen the muscles that will ultimately build the vision. Some of these might be inner mental or emotional skills, such as patience, focus, and tenacity or external physical skills such as running, cycling, and swimming if your vision is to take part in your first triathlon. 
So, the key question that will help you determine your new skillset is: 
What are the new skills, behaviors, practices or habits that I must develop in order to manifest my vision?

6. Focus

Where your attention goes, energy follows. Therefore, the ability to focus on your vision is really more about energy management, rather than mental power. The key here is that you identify what are the people, places, activities or habits that are draining you of your energy. Similarly, you want to identify which nurture you and give you energy. Then, allocate time in your calendar to focus this energy to work on your vision, project or goal. 
A good question to ask at this time is:
What are the key activities or resources that I will be focusing on during the next 90 days in order to manifest my vision?

7. Intuition

The dictionary defines the word intuition as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. In other words, it is a level of understanding or knowing that transcends the mind, and often times comes from the spiritual or unseen. This is why it is also referred as an ‘insight’, a view from within. This intuitive guidance can often be received in the form of an idea, a thought, a vision, a word you hear, a hunch, a deep knowing or simply a feeling. 
Learning how to access your heart’s wisdom takes practice. It requires developing the ability to truly listen to all of the intuitive insights available to you at any given time. The key question you’ll need to constantly be asking yourself is:
What is my heart or inner guiding system(s) telling me about this particular vision, purpose or goal?

8. Action

A vision without action is a fantasy. So, to manifest your vision into a physical reality, you must be willing to take some kind of action. But not just action, an ‘inspired action’. An inspired action is one that comes from a higher frequency or level of intuition and guidance. It is also one that is performed with focus, and often times with joy.
After your receive any intuitive guidance from your heart it’s VERY important that you take some kind of action. A question to keep in mind here is:
What is the next inspired action that I must take towards manifesting my vision?

9. Manifestation

The final step of the Manifesting from the Heart system is the actual physical manifestation of your vision or goal. This is the end of your journey towards creating or giving birth to something completely new. Therefore it’s very important to include it, as many systems of reality manifestation leave this very important step out. 
Remember, the journey to Manifesting from the Heart is ultimately a journey of you ‘creating yourself’, consciously and deliberately. It is not a journey of ‘attracting’ as many people would like you to believe. Rather, it’s a process of expanding yourself so that you can grow yourself into the kind of person you always knew inside you were.
Be sure to create time and space to celebrate your new manifestation, as celebration introduces the vibration and feeling of joy and appreciation, which again expand your capacity to continue to create exponentially.
Therefore, a good set of questions you want to ask yourself as you celebrate your new manifestation are:
How have I grown? What’s different about me? What are the new qualities that I’ve developed? 

The Key to Accelerating your Results

If you’d like to accelerate or amplify your results, you might want to join some kind of a heart-based group, or circle, so that you may take advantage of the added benefits of what I call, the power of the collective heart or as I like to call it, the ‘Masterheart’.
 What exactly is the Masterheart? It is an expanded, measurable, electro-magnetic field, greater than the sum of the individual hearts, which is created when a group of people make a choice to come together with an open heart, for a common intention or purpose. This is the same field that is created in my heart intelligence trainings.
The added benefits of participating in this expanded heart field are:
  • Your Intention is amplified by the group’s focused intention, creating a palpable effect in you and your environment.
  • Increased focus, concentration and access to intuitive guidance
  • Maximum sharing of resources from group participants.

Ready to become a Conscious Creator?

If you enjoyed this article and would like to go deeper in this work so that you can finally start creating the life you know deep in your heart you came here to manifest, please check out my 7-week, Manifesting from the Heart online course available at The Academy for Applied Heart Intelligence. When you sign up you’ll have access to all the same tools, practices, and processes that I used to reinvent myself and create a new life in South Africa after my life fell completely apart seven years ago.

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