Thursday 22 October 2015

Jamie Zimmerman, Wellness Leader, Passes Away At 31

I received the tragic news of Jamie Zimmerman’s death two days ago. She passed away Monday after a terrible accident in Hawaii, and was just 31.
For those of you who didn't have the chance to meet her, Jamie was a phenomenal person. As a child, she'd appeared on TV shows such as 7th Heaven and Boston Public.
After working in Congolese refugee camps and the Amazon rain forest, she went on to earn a doctorate of medicine, and her mission was to help people use science and spirituality to live their best lives.
To use her words, she was “living her passion,” marrying meditation and medicine along with her insatiable desire to give. Since the end of the summer, Jamie was a woman on a mission.
She was working on a book proposal, doing speaking engagements and we’d begun collaborating on a mindbodygreeen wellness education project, which we'd titled “Make your Passion your Paycheck,” based on a highly successful talk she’d given at Wanderlust.
The world is starved for Jamie Zimmermans.
Jamie had been a contributor to mindbodygreen for years (in fact, one week ago, she was excited to share this interview with Deepak Chopra) and the course was a logical extension that we were excited to begin. I walked away from every interaction with her feeling energized and hopeful. She radiated intelligence, humanity and presence — she truly lived what she preached.
As I read through the outline for her proposal today, I see these words: SERVICE, GRATITUDE, AUTHENTICITY, FUN, FOCUS, COMMUNITY, COURAGE.
It would have been a great project and I’m selfishly sad that I won’t get to spend time working with her. But I am truly disappointed that the world won’t get more of Jamie. The world is starved for Jamie Zimmermans. People who live in the present. Who live their passion. Who serve their community as mission.
Jamie was, among many other things, a great educator. In a lesson about how she dealt with tragedy in her own life, she urged us to “Find the sliver of peace, the calm, the sunshine above the clouds that tells us everything is going to be ok.”
Thank you, Jamie. You will be missed.
by David Porzio, mbg VP of Product

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