Monday 29 June 2015

Recipe: These easy avocado eggs will revolutionize your mornings

avocado egg
breakfast that’s nourishing, easy, and delicious is the unicorn of busy weekday mornings, which is why this avocado egg from nutritionist Tara Milhem deserves your full a.m. attention.
It’s as easy as cracking an egg into an avocado and baking it (so basically, foolproof). Plus it’s full of protein and omega-3s. Doesn’t that sound a little more exciting than your greek yogurt and strawberries? —Emily Karr
Baked Avocado Egg
Makes two servings
2 eggs
1 avocado
½ lemon, squeezed
Sea salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees, then scoop out the inside of the avocado leaving half an inch in the rim. Break the egg into the avocado. Don’t worry if the whites spill over, just clean the sides and place on a baking sheet.
Sprinkle lemon juice, salt, and pepper over both avocado halves. Bake for 10 minutes or until the yolks set.
For more information visit
(Photo: The Whole Tara)

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