Wednesday 9 March 2016

Intuitive Astrology: March New Moon Solar Eclipse 2016

march solar eclipse astrology
The month of March will be swimming with so much energy it may be difficult to tell exactly what the New Moon Solar Eclipse will bring into our lives. Things may feel all over the place and we may feel stretched in numerous directions.
March offers us two eclipses- a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on March 8-9th and a Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 23rd.
(I will talk about the Lunar Eclipse later in the month, but if you want a week by week update to the energies in March, sign up to my weekly energy forecasts here.)
Solar Eclipses fall on New Moon’s and signify a door being opened into a new world of opportunity.
Solar Eclipses signify a grand ending and a new beginning, almost like you are leaving one dimension or chapter of your life and walking into the next.
This is a beautiful energy to work with, and if you have been trying hard to manifest some goals, dreams and wishes for yourself, the energy of this Solar Eclipse will be a perfect time to set your intentions and watch them manifest.
As you are packing your bags and getting ready to enter into the new, you will have to start becoming clear about what is weighing you down, what needs to be left behind and what needs to come along with you.
For those who are still stuck and unsure of what to pack (and that is probably majority of us!) the Eclipse may force you to ditch your bags altogether and enter into this new chapter empty handed.
If you feel this happening around the Eclipse, know that you are really in a powerful place of transformation and new beginnings. In fact, if this resonates with you around the Eclipse, allow yourself time to enjoy the freedom and to trust the unknown.
Eclipses always put us where we need to be. Even if it doesn’t seem that way at first, Eclipses are always helping to align us with our true and higher path.
Falling in the watery and intuitive sign of Pisces, this Solar Eclipse will have a very powerful and high vibration.
Pisces energy rules over our subconscious, all things spiritual and helps us to connect with the oneness that we all are. Pisces energy is also highly creative and intuitive, and guides us to be the highest version of ourselves.
Pisces energy can be difficult to deal with because it exposes the deeper, darker depths within our soul that need to be uncovered. This energy will be amplified due to the presence of Pluto during this Eclipse.
Pluto is the planet of transformation. Pluto requires us to dig so deep that we literally upheave our entire lives only to transform it into something different.
Even though Pluto’s energy can be extremely intense, he is in a harmonious angle with this Eclipse, and should help us to dig things up in a gentle way in order to release them.

You may in fact be already feeling this energy as the Universe prepares to have you walk through a new gateway.
Think about what was happening for you during the last eclipse in September 2015, as it is likely you are wrapping up lose ends from this time and getting ready to step into the new.
In order to step into the new, this Eclipse will also require us to heal parts of our soul that have been ignored.
Due to the other energies present during this Eclipse, it is likely that this healing could stem from this life and past lives as well.
The Universe will really be asking us to heal and release all that is unloved within us and help us to break down any barriers that we have created when it comes to love.
Unconditional Love is the most powerful vibration in the Universe, and we will surely be asked on the night of the Solar Eclipse to work out where we can love ourselves and others more.
Eclipses also often highlight or bring things to the forefront that we have not been able to look at for ourselves. In fact, Eclipses can be extremely intense and can force us to see things that we don’t want to look at or haven’t want to see.
Things may be exposed to you on this Eclipse. Secrets may be revealed, new information may be presented to you and a new pathway or doorway may open that you may not have considered before.
There is also no hesitating or moving backwards on an Eclipse. Once the information is presented to you and the door opens, there is no turning back only progress forward, so keep this in mind when it comes to working with the energy of the Eclipse.
Overall, the Solar Eclipse in March is a beautiful time for healing and releasing. Allow your intuition to guide you as how best to use this energy. Tune into the hum of your soul and work on renewing and refreshing all aspects of your life.
Embrace the energy of this Solar Eclipse, welcome it into your life with open arms. When you do, you are going to feel like a bud of a flower, rising up from the dirt, getting ready to open your eyes to the light for the first time.
To best understand how the March Solar Eclipse is going to effect you, take a look at where the sign of Pisces is in your astrology chart. You may also want to read the following articles to give you more of an idea of what loose ends you may be tying up-
by Tanaaz

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