Sunday 6 March 2016

The 3 Spiritual Steps To Achieving Your Dreams & Goals

This passage has been excerpted from Wellth: How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Resume by our founder and CEO Jason Wachob, a prescriptive memoir that redefines successful living and offers readers instead a new life currency. You can buy it here.
First of all, there’s no silver bullet or shortcuts to achieving anything great. You can’t just snap your fingers and manifest it.
My problem with a lot of self-help gurus is that they promote a message that is about entitlement. Yes, I truly believe that we all deserve a great life, a life filled with happiness, health, and abundance. But I also believe that this is a three-part process: believing, seeing, and doing.
The first step is believingYou have to believe—otherwise you won’t accomplish anything. If you don’t believe you’ll meet your soul mateget that raise, or lose that weight, then it’s over before you even start. It won’t happen. Period.
I tend to think big and believe that huge things can happen. For example, when mindbodygreen launched out of our tiny apartment in Brooklyn, I envisioned it becoming an influential media brand that would make wellness accessible to the masses. I always believe in myself, and I also believe that anyone can accomplish anything that they set their minds to.
If you have trouble believing in yourself—a key component of wellth—then start believing that you can accomplish little things. Write down little goals, such as “I’m going to eat a healthy lunch that’s filled with greens today.” Think about it, too. What greens are you going to have? What will the dressing taste like? Think about how great you’re going to feel after eating such a healthy and delicious lunch. Then go fix your salad and enjoy it. You’ve just set out to accomplish something, and you did it.
Repeat your success with other small goals, eventually working your way up to bigger objectives. What you’re doing is getting accustomed to accomplishing what you say out loud. That’s a powerful and effective way to build self-confidence.
But let’s say you’ve already got the believing part covered.
Next comes the importance of seeing. If you don’t envision where you want to go, then how are you going to get from point A to point B? If you want to drive from New York to Los Angeles, you need to get a map or GPS to see how you’re going to get there—otherwise you may wind up in Vancouver.
For example, if it’s a soul mate you’re looking for, you have to envision the person you’re seeking—and not in terms of physical looks. You have to picture the qualities that are really important to you, and imagine the types of places where someone with those qualities would hang out. The same goes for weight loss, or starting a business, or practically anything. You need to see how you’re going to get where you want to go. The plan doesn’t have to be perfect, and quite often it will change, but you have to start by envisioning it.
The third step is taking action. You need to do what you set out to accomplish. If you’re trying to lose weight, and you believe that you can lose twenty pounds, and you can see yourself walking for twenty minutes every day and cutting out sugar—well, now you have to actually start doing those things. Although weight loss is more about goal setting and less about luck, in some ways it’s still about making your own luck. It involves changing how you see the world and thus how you change your life.
If you truly want to achieve a life filled with happiness, health, and abundance, these three principles are the keys to your success. Your behavior on the mat or at the gym (or at the office or the dinner table) affects your entire persona. So you’re responsible for creating your own luck in every sense of the word and in every aspect of your life.

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