Wednesday 24 February 2016

According To Ayurvedic Tradition There Are 3 Personality Types. Which One Are You?

First, find out your dosha type is... you can do so here.


Vata are the fiery Dosha. They have big hearts and enjoy balance. They tend to be creative, adaptable, and well spoken.
However, they also have a tendency to fall out of balance and are prone to anxiety. They tend to need space and time to themselves.
They're lovers of warm climates and have high energy bursts. It's not uncommon for a Vata to overextend themselves. They tend to be impulsive and respond poorly to stress.

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Unlike Vata, Pitta is the calm, cool, water-like Dosha. They tend to be quiet but sure, subdued but strong. Get on their bad side, though, and you can get caught in the uncontrollable torrent that is their ire.
Pitta works hard, giving 110% at everything they do. They may seem a little unmovable and rigid, like a glacier, but they are also intelligent and willing to learn. They enjoy showing the world their talents and developing new skills.


Kapha are the down to earth of the Doshas. They are slow, grounded, and steady people with a nurturing side, but become needy and depressed if out of balance. They enjoy the little things in life and enjoy the pace of the country. They are loving and compassionate people.
At their worst, however, they can become sluggish and, although they are typically gentle and easy going, they can become possessive and will hold grudges. Kapha needs to be extra careful not to become out of balance.

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