Wednesday 24 February 2016

The Top 3 Herbs for Stimulating & Opening Your 3rd Eye (#3 Will Surprise You)

Video Source: Aaron Weis
Thats right! There are herbs out there you can use to improve, cultivate and stimulate third eye activity!
First we need to understand a little about the third eye!
What is the Third Eye?
Numerous spiritual philosophies contain the notion of an inner third eye that is related to two things 1. The physical pineal gland and 2. The energetic what the Hindus call the Ajna chakra.
The pineal gland is a pea-sized conical mass of tissue located behind the third ventricle of the brain, its responsible for secreting hormone like substances in many mammals.
According to Hindu tradition, the ajna chakra is the 6th primary chakra or energy point in the body located above the eyebrows. This idea of the third eye occurs historically in Asia, neo-pagan religions, and new age spiritual philosophies!
“Attributes of the third eye are associated with mystical experiences, awakenings, enlightenment, clairvoyant perception, dreaming, creativity and higher states of consciousness.”

Here are the top 3 herbs for stimulating and cultivating third eye activity:

#3 Rosemary

In herbalism it’s known as the herb of now, rosemary can help you stay focused and in the present moment, being a great ally for deep meditation, creativity and concentration. Whether it be tea, tincture or essential oil from rosemary makes a safe an easy way to help get those pineal juices flowing.

#2 Persian Silk Tree

Persian silk tree contains phyto-chemicals similar to what we already have in our brains responsible for increasing joy and happiness. This in turn helps give you direct access to your innate ability to concentrate, meditate and increase your visionary skills.

#1 Blue Lotus

The flowers of the blue lotus can be made into a tea, tincture extract or even an infused wine. It helps calm your mind, stimulates natural visionary talent, and skyrockets your third eye activity!
Now that you have awesome herbal third eye knowledge at your fingertips, it is time to put it to the test! I suggest experimenting with these herbs in order to discover which ones work best for you. Some people may prefer using rosemary, and others the blue lotus! Whether you’re looking to experience something new, deepen your meditations or increase third eye activity, these herb make for a fun and simple way to alter your every day experience and introduce some intuitive energy.
Dream well, stay awesome, live better!

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