Sunday 8 November 2015

How to Access Your True Power

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Our inner wisdom is much smarter than we are. It knows exactly what we need. It’s in tune with the Universe.
But so often we don’t listen to it. We push, manipulate and do whatever we can to “make things happen” the way we see them. We want our job to be a certain way. We want our house to look a certain way. We want our partner to fit a certain mold. We lean into fear and let it dictate our lives. As a result, we end up anxious, disappointed, maybe even downright miserable.
A Course in Miracles says that the presence of fear is a sure sign that you’re relying on your own strength. And your own strength has nothing on the strength of the Universe. There is guidance and wisdom far beyond what you think is right.
So how can you access your true power? This is the secret: Stop praying for what you think you need. Pray instead for guidance. When you start to align with a presence greater than you and surrender humbly, you will be led to exactly what you need. You may not like every twist and turn on the road there, but the destination will be worth it.
In this video, I talk about how to quit relying on your own strength so you can access your true power. I want you to get psyched to accept that you deserve happiness and greatness and peace. If you’re reading this blog, you’ve shown up for the party that is you. I hope this video serves you. Watch it now.

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