Monday 9 November 2015

How to Change Your Core Beliefs in 9 Steps

Our core beliefs are at the very center of who we are, what we believe about ourselves, what we think of others and how we feel about life as a whole. They determine how connected we feel with other people, how happy we feel with ourselves and even how successful we are in self-actualizing our deepest dreams and goals.
There is no doubt that discovering what your core beliefs are is an essential part of the journey of involution; of the healing process of inner growth. In my last article I wrote about the process of identifying your core beliefs, and in this article I will explore how to change your core beliefs.
This is such a downplayed and underrated part of our spiritual journeys through life, but in my experience it is one of the most essential for true, deep healing.

How to Change Your Core Beliefs That Control How You Think and Feel

Core beliefs are the fundamental convictions we have about ourselves; they are the absolute truths we have developed about ourselves throughout the course of our entire lives, often since childhood.
For example, if we had an emotionally unstable father as children who constantly punished us and called us “stupid,” it is likely that we would then develop the core belief that we are “stupid” or “worthless.” Or if we had a neurotic mother who was constantly warning us to “be safe,” we might have developed the belief that “we are not safe,” creating an endless array of psychological problems in our later lives.
Other examples of core beliefs include, “I am ugly,” “I deserve to be punished,” “I am unlovable,” “I always fail,” “I’m a lost cause,” “I can never be happy,” “I am good for nothing,” “I am crazy” and so forth. I elaborate on common types of core beliefs in this article.
Once you have discovered your core beliefs, the next step is to actively replace them. Below I’ll show you how to change your core beliefs in a relatively straight-forward way. However, keep in mind that any form of inner work demands time, energy and persistence … but everything you put out is returned to you tenfold.
1. Identify One Core Belief at a Time
It is unhelpful to rush the process of healing by trying to solve every core belief you’ve identified all at once. Start with the most severe and persistent core belief first. Often you will discover that there is one main core belief that seems to pervade a lot of what you think, feel and do. Target this first. The smaller and less persistent core beliefs (i.e. the ones that fluctuate with your mood) can come later.
2. How Does it Impact Your Life?
In order to truly motivate yourself to change your core belief, you must truly understand what impact it has on your everyday life and your life at large. Meditate or write down the answer to the following question, “How does this core belief impact my life?” For example, you might answer, “It stops me from feeling confident. It makes me anxious in public. It makes me doubt myself and hate myself. It causes me to lose friendships,” etc.
3. On a Scale of 1 to 10, How Much Do You Believe It?
Often our core beliefs sound completely ridiculous. To the conscious mind it is easy to laugh at them and dismiss them, but on an unconscious level they still remain within us wreaking havoc. For this reason it’s important for you to sit down and really reflect on how much you truly believe your core belief. Don’t forget to be genuine and tell the truth – this can be hard! On a scale of 1 (don’t believe at all) to 10 (strongly believe), rate how much conviction you have in your core belief. If your score is above 5 ask yourself, “Why do I believe this is true about myself?” You might like to note down or reflect on past memories or experiences that uphold your belief.
4. What is Holding You Back From Changing It?
There are many reasons why we consciously or unconsciously don’t want to change our old core beliefs. Usually the reasons involve fear of failure, fear of change and fear of uncertainty. If we have been habituated to think and behave in a certain way all our lives … what will happen if we don’t anymore? And furthermore, what will happen if we fail? Before you try changing your core beliefs you need to be able to deeply commit to the journey. By becoming conscious of what is holding you back from changing your core beliefs you will prevent self-sabotage.
5. Find Ways to Disprove Your Core Belief
Now that you have rated how much you believe your core belief, try looking at the “big picture.” By finding ways to disprove your core belief, you will prove to your unconscious mind that you are no longer being positively served by this deeply held conviction. For example, if your core belief is “I am unwanted,” you might like to deliberately look for ways you have been wanted before, e.g. you might write down or reflect “When I was 10 my teachers wanted me to be in charge of the class presentation. When I was 16 someone had a crush on me. When I was 19 my friend got upset with me for not wanting to go with her to the movies. Every year my relatives want me to come to the Christmas get-together. My partner wants to be with me …” and so forth.
6. Find an Alternative Core Belief
After discounting your core beliefs and proving them to be flawed and unrealistic, it is now time to replace them. Find an alternative core belief that contradicts what you currently believe. For example, if you have the core belief “I am ugly” you might like to replace it with, “I am beautiful in many ways.” Or if your core belief is, “I am a loser” you might replace it with, “I am quirky.”
It’s important that you choose a core belief that you genuinely believe in. Beware of going over-the-top with your core belief (e.g. “I am rich and famous”). Instead, try to be realistic and down-to-earth.
7. Explore How Your Life Will Change With Your New Belief
How will the new core belief that you’ve chosen transform your life? Will it help you to be more joyful, confident, creative or prosperous? Reflect on, or write down your thoughts.
8. If You Don’t Change Your Core Beliefs, What Will Be the Result?
It helps to keep in mind the natural consequences of continuing to cling to a toxic core belief. Not only will this help to motivate and keep you on track, but it will also help to reassert the true value of your journey.
9. Develop a Plan of Action
After identifying, challenging and replacing your core belief you need to have a plan of action in place. Ask yourself what you plan to do in the next month to constantly override your thinking patterns that are associated with your negative core belief. For example, you might plan to remind yourself of three ways you are lovable every time your core belief “I don’t deserve to be loved” pops up. You might also plan to keep a journal that you record your progress in or set aside time every day in solitude to reflect on your progress. Remember that slip ups are normal! You might even plan to have conversations with yourself, look at yourself in the mirror every morning repeating your new healthy core belief sincerely, or visualize/hypnotize yourself into a suggestible state that prepares your unconscious mind for change. The possibilities are limitless.

Replacing your core beliefs will take time and effort, but the rewards are endless and priceless. Increased self-esteem, creativity, productivity, prosperity, joy, fulfilment and love are some of the many gifts you will receive throughout this journey.
Any questions, observations or experiences? Please share them below!
Photo by: Gimli LongBow

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