Tuesday 3 March 2015

7 Heartfelt Reasons to Acknowledge & Release Your Inner Greatness


There comes a time when you know that there is more to you than you are showing.

You know that you possess a greater purpose inside – no matter what that is and how little or big that thing feels.
You know that you hold a key to make a difference in the world. Whether that is for one other person, or for thousands – it doesn’t matter.
You know that you need to take steps towards something new in your life.  A new level is showing itself to you, and you know intuitively what is going on.
Perhaps your body and mind are afraid.
For most of us, this is what happens. We become afraid of the new strong future we so clearly sense. We become fearful that we are actually good enough to do this, even though we are worthy of these new opportunities and the amazing miracles they bring.

Let me share with you 7 heartfelt reasons why you should acknowledge and release your inner greatness.

1. You help others.

By doing what it feels like you are meant to do, or doing what you really want to do, you are guaranteed to help other people. You are helping them change, evolve and even shift their lives. You inspire them to do better, think differently, and to believe more in themselves, their skills or who they are.

2. You grow and evolve.

When you take a step up and walk into your greatness, you grow mentally, emotionally and energetically. You grow as a human being.
You grow closer to your heart and the door to an abundant amount of self-love that you possess inside opens and flows forth. You personally and spiritually evolve and you embrace your personal skill set by seeing how valuable it actually is. You become aware of how much you have grown and you become aware of how much you have evolved in just a short amount of time. You see yourself much more clearly.

3. Your light shines brighter and you stand taller.

When stepping on to your stage in life you allow more light to shine through you and you pass that light on to other people.
By sensing and allowing this new strong level of light to shine within and through you, you land in a new sense of security and safety in being who you are and what you are doing. It makes you stand taller. It happens naturally and it gives you a profoundly warm and loving feeling inside. You know that you are okay. You know that you are worthy.

4. You say yes to more in life.

By acknowledging your greatness and releasing it, you automatically say yes to more in life. More fun. More love. More laughter. More money. More gratitude. More enjoyment. More connection. More you. You say yes to having more in life – to having what matches the greatness you are opening up to.

5. You acknowledge your heart.

By acknowledging and setting your greatness free you acknowledge your heart’s vision. You acknowledge that your heart has so much love to share, so many words to give and so much wisdom to give away. You acknowledge the deep connection you have to your heart and it opens your heart to a profound level of love within. You acknowledge the great a power your heart holds for you and the World.

6. You acknowledge your soul’s purpose.

When you release your greatness, your soul’s purpose gets a channel to communicate through. It gets a voice. It gets a vibration to work through with you as the communicator, navigator and practitioner of its wisdom.
Your soul’s purpose just becomes clearer and clearer the more you open up to your greatness. This clarity gives you the opportunity to materialize and realize the purpose of your soul.

7. You enter a new level of love, gratitude and grace.

The more you share your heart, your greatness, soul’s purpose and who you really are, the more access you get to love, gratitude and grace. You hold infinite amounts of love, gratitude and grace, and the more greatness you share, the deeper the levels of love, gratitude and grace appear and open up for you to discover and experience.
The more of these that you share and master, the more love, gratitude and grace becomes available to you. It goes on and on in a beautiful circle.

I invite you to acknowledge and release YOUR inner greatness and step into your personal power.

It will only do good. It will only benefit everyone.
You and the World.

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