Is your workplace suffering from the low vibrations of stress? Boredom? Interpersonal conflict? Unrealistic expectations? Lack of “team”? Many people suffer from workplace dissatisfaction, but there are a few things you can do to boost your workplace vibrations
First, ask yourself, “What makes me happy at work?” (Don’t automatically say “nothing” – really think about something, even something very small, that you enjoy about your job. Hang on to that feeling for a moment.
Now, think about some of these vibration-boosters that will improve the situation:
1. Socialize with your coworkers more. Very often, people get caught up in workplace stress and only see each other’s surface (never getting beyond the small talk). So go to lunch with them, either as a group or one at a time, and you may be surprised that there are common interests that have nothing to do with work. YOU be the one doing the inviting. YOU be the one raising the vibration through your friendliness.
2. Giving, and receiving, constructive feedback. This is such an important part of your work! Nobody’s a mind reader so giving constructive feedback – or graciously receiving it – will result in better expectations and performance.
3. Do something that is meaningful. Really – no matter what you do, make it meaningful. I once had a truly dreadful job (in my eyes) at a travel agency. It involved zero creativity, which in my book is an essential component of a satisfying job. It was all paper-pushing, data entry and phone work. I had never been so bored! However, one day I had an “aha” moment. I realized that even though I wasn’t being creative, I was helping people enjoy what could possibly be the vacation of a lifetime. My attitude started to change. No longer were these just “reservations” they were people who were excited about all the cool things they would be doing on this trip. So whatever you’re doing, imagine the end result and how your work meaningfully impacts someone’s life. Then, it won’t seem like such drudgery!
4. Encourage active breaks, preferably outdoors if the weather cooperates. Why don’t you and a few coworkers head out for a brisk 15-30 minute walk after lunch? It will energize you, pull you away from work for a much-needed mental and physical break, give you a chance to socialize and in some cases, send a clear message to your boss that you are NOT available 24/7, that you deserve and need breaks.
5. Clean your space. Organization will help you feel less stressed.
6. Put a cheerful wallpaper on your computer, and inspiring photos all around you.
7. Keep learning. Curiosity and enthusiasm carry a high vibration. Think you know everything there is to know about your position? What if someone, somewhere, is doing what you do in a more effective and more FUN way? Stimulate your creativity and curiosity. What can you learn (even at a “boring” job)? Challenge yourself to learn something new every day!
9. Take lunch, and I mean a real “away from work” lunch. Use the time to eat, but also to do something that uplifts you. Perhaps a 10-minute meditation? A brisk walk? A few pages in the chapter in your book (whether you’re reading one or writing one)?
10. Bring treats. A big platter of home baked cookies will brighten everyone’s day.
11. SMILE. Even if you have had the commute from hell… even if you’re dreading the day ahead… even if you can’t stand the thought of another moment in your cubicle… SMILE. When you smile, it’s a signal to your brain that everything is okay. When everything is okay in your brain, you are more proactive and you become more aware of ways to improve your situation (being more innovative in problem-solving, for example, will get you noticed and appreciated). You can brighten everybody’s mood by smiling more!
12. Joke or funny video of the day. How about starting a funny break, where somebody tells a few jokes or you all check out a few funny videos? Laughter is so energizing, bonding and healing! Start the day with a funny, or do it in mid-afternoon when everybody’s energy is low and they’re all watching the clock.
13. Color! Colorful plants, pictures, maybe a throw blanked draped over the back of your chair, colorful clothing, bright accessories… in every way you can, brighten up a drab workplace with splashes of color.
Essentially, you will (as Abraham Lincoln said) only be as happy as you make up your mind to be. By doing some or all of these 12 vibration-boosting things, you can become happier at work – and your happiness will rub off and positively influence everyone around you!
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