Did you know that resisting a situation is what causes unhappiness about it, rather than the situation itself?
What does that even mean?
Let’s take debt, for example. Let’s say that Diane got herself into a heap of trouble with uncontrolled spending and now her credit cards are maxed out and she’s frantic. Understandably! Diane spends hours and hours worrying about it. Anxiety becomes panic, and the more she thinks about the situation and desperately tries to figure out a solution, the more upset she becomes.
And, the more she does this, the more blocked and unbalanced her chakras become.
Diana has not learned the art of acceptance. She is resisting the situation by wishing it away, by avoiding it (not picking up the phone when her creditors call) and by constantly visualizing the worst possible outcome.
Her inner conversations go something like, “I wish I hadn’t bought that flight to Puerto Rico! Oh, if only I’d paid that stupid bill when I had money! Crap, now what am I going to do? If they start garnishing my wages, I’m screwed! How am I going to keep my house? What am I going to do now???”
But what if Diane learned to accept the situation? What if she were to say to herself, “Okay, here’s the situation. I created it with my choices, and I can’t undo those choices. I’m not going to judge myself for them, but I will learn from them. In this moment, I am okay and I am accepting this situation. I am going to take the steps I can to manage the situation, and I will allow the things I CANNOT change or act on, to evolve. There is no point in panicking. What is one small thing I can do right now that will help?”
Can you see how this inner conversation is empowering, and creates inner peace where her previous self-conversations were dis-empowering and stressful?
Of course the situation isn’t going to go away by Diane accepting it. However… more importantly, her thoughts and behaviors will be more positive and proactive. Instead of a survival flight-or-flight response (stress) that clouds her thinking and keeps her hyper-focused on what can go wrong, Diane will have the calm presence of mind to come up with a workable plan. Step by step, she can dig herself out of the mess.
Accepting a situation does not mean you’re giving up. It simply means you’re accepting it for existing, and instead of living in the past and in the future, you become present-focused and think about what you can do RIGHT NOW – including the decision to do nothing when there is nothing you can do. Right now is when you create the future.
Right now is when you can open the blocked chakras that keep you from finding a solution.
Right now, by becoming accepting of a situation, you stop resisting the energy that created it (your thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions). It is what it is – and right now is your chance to distill its lessons and make the most of it.
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